A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 2000-2023
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2023 48 085 361 1.3 8 204 206 17.1 8.9 95 171 0.2 1.2 1.7
2022 47 475 420 0.2 7 534 513 15.9 2.9 93 621 0.2 1.2 -0.3
2021 47 385 107 -0.1 7 322 408 15.5 1.3 93 902 0.2 1.3 -1.4
2020 47 450 795 0.9 7 231 195 15.2 7.1 95 221 0.2 1.3 1.0
2019 47 026 208 0.6 6 753 098 14.4 5.7 94 319 0.2 1.4 -0.2
2018 46 722 980 0.3 6 386 904 13.7 3.3 94 520 0.2 1.5 -1.8
2017 46 572 132 0.0 6 180 342 13.3 0.9 96 266 0.2 1.6 -3.8
2016 46 557 008 -0.1 6 123 769 13.2 -0.6 100 027 0.2 1.6 -6.7
2015 46 624 382 -0.3 6 162 932 13.2 -1.9 107 226 0.2 1.7 -8.1
2014 46 771 341 -0.8 6 283 712 13.4 -5.4 116 710 0.2 1.9 -13.1
2013 47 129 783 -0.3 6 640 536 14.1 -1.8 134 248 0.3 2.0 -6.4
2012 47 265 321 0.2 6 759 780 14.3 1.2 143 488 0.3 2.1 -1.9
2011 47 190 493 0.4 6 677 839 14.2 1.1 146 298 0.3 2.2 -1.7
2010 47 021 031 0.6 6 604 181 14.0 2.1 148 789 0.3 2.3 0.4
2009 46 745 807 1.3 6 466 278 13.8 7.0 148 154 0.3 2.3 8.8
2008 46 157 822 2.1 6 044 528 13.1 15.1 136 171 0.3 2.3 22.0
2007 45 200 737 1.1 5 249 993 11.6 8.5 111 575 0.2 2.1 19.0
2006 44 708 964 1.4 4 837 622 10.8 10.2 93 767 0.2 1.9 16.0
2005 44 108 530 2.1 4 391 484 10.0 18.9 80 846 0.2 1.8 13.8
2004 43 197 684 1.1 3 693 806 8.6 11.8 71 065 0.2 1.9 -1.1
2003 42 717 064 2.1 3 302 440 7.7 27.3 71 843 0.2 2.2 6.7
2002 41 837 894 1.8 2 594 052 6.2 31.7 67 313 0.2 2.6 7.5
2001 41 116 842 1.5 1 969 269 4.8 33.7 62 610 0.2 3.2 7.3
2000 40 499 790 -- 1 472 458 3.6 -- 58 364 0.2 4.0 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Born in Portugal
Note  The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadísticaséries anuais do Padron Municipal de habitantesPoblación por nacionalidad, pais de nacimiento y sexo. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.1.1 Residents born in Portugal by sex, 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2023 95 171 43 491 45.7 51 680 54.3
2022 93 621 43 168 46.1 50 453 53.9
2021 93 902 43 150 46.0 50 752 54.0
2020 95 221 43 686 45.9 51 535 54.1
2019 94 319 43 299 45.9 51 020 54.1
2018 94 520 43 342 45.9 51 178 54.2
2017 96 266 43 913 45.6 52 353 54.4
2016 100 027 45 044 45.0 54 983 55.0
2015 107 226 47 472 44.3 59 754 55.7
2014 116 710 50 105 42.9 66 605 57.1
2013 134 248 55 238 41.2 79 010 58.9
2012 143 488 57 755 40.3 85 733 59.8
2011 146 298 58 495 40.0 87 803 60.0
2010 148 789 58 871 39.6 89 918 60.4
2009 148 154 58 062 39.2 90 092 60.8
2008 136 171 53 323 39.2 82 848 60.8
2007 111 575 46 231 41.4 65 344 58.6
2006 93 767 40 990 43.7 52 777 56.3
2005 80 846 37 187 46.0 43 659 54.0
2004 71 065 34 115 48.0 36 950 52.0
2003 71 843 34 862 48.5 36 981 51.5
2002 67 313 33 046 49.1 34 267 50.9
2001 62 610 31 388 50.1 31 222 49.9
2000 58 364 29 818 51.1 28 546 48.9
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Note The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadísticaséries anuais do Padron Municipal de habitantes, Población (españoles/extranjeros) por País de Nacimiento, sexo y año. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.1.2 Residents born in Portugal by age group, 2015-2023
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2023 95 171 3 273 3.4 26 740 28.1 47 079 49.5 18 079 19.0
2022 93 621 3 547 3.8 27 685 29.6 45 575 48.7 16 814 18.0
2021 93 902 3 813 4.1 28 320 30.2 45 898 48.9 15 871 16.9
2020 95 221 4 164 4.4 29 516 31.0 46 334 48.7 15 207 16.0
2019 94 319 4 383 4.6 29 944 31.8 45 896 48.7 14 096 15.0
2018 94 520 4 753 5.0 30 702 32.5 45 716 48.4 13 349 14.1
2017 96 266 5 204 5.4 32 247 33.5 46 117 47.9 12 698 13.2
2016 100 027 5 804 5.8 34 745 34.7 47 273 47.3 12 205 12.2
2015 107 226 6 637 6.2 38 943 36.3 49 785 46.4 11 861 11.1
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Note The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de EstadísticaResultados detallados, Población por país de nacimiento, edad (grupos quinquenales) y sexo. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.2 Foreign population, 2000-2023
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2023 48 085 361 1.3 6 089 620 12.7 9.9 103 656 0.2 1.3 4.8
2022 47 475 420 0.2 5 542 932 11.7 1.9 98 874 0.2 1.3 1.7
2021 47 385 107 -0.1 5 440 148 11.5 0.1 97 187 0.2 1.3 -0.4
2020 47 450 795 0.9 5 434 153 11.5 7.9 97 628 0.2 1.4 4.5
2019 47 026 208 0.6 5 036 878 10.7 6.4 93 440 0.2 1.4 4.3
2018 46 722 980 0.3 4 734 691 10.1 3.5 89 616 0.2 1.4 1.3
2017 46 572 132 0.0 4 572 807 9.8 -1.0 88 451 0.2 1.4 -3.2
2016 46 557 008 -0.1 4 618 581 9.9 -2.4 91 371 0.2 1.5 -7.5
2015 46 624 382 -0.3 4 729 644 10.2 -5.8 98 751 0.2 1.6 -10.0
2014 46 771 341 -0.8 5 023 487 10.8 -9.4 109 708 0.2 1.8 -15.0
2013 47 129 783 -0.3 5 546 238 11.8 -3.3 129 079 0.3 2.0 -6.9
2012 47 265 321 0.2 5 736 258 12.1 -0.3 138 682 0.3 2.1 -1.5
2011 47 190 493 0.4 5 751 487 12.2 0.1 140 824 0.3 2.1 -1.2
2010 47 021 031 0.6 5 747 734 12.2 1.8 142 520 0.3 2.2 1.2
2009 46 745 807 1.3 5 648 671 12.1 7.2 140 870 0.3 2.2 10.8
2008 46 157 822 2.1 5 268 762 11.4 16.6 127 199 0.3 2.1 26.4
2007 45 200 737 1.1 4 519 554 10.0 9.1 100 616 0.2 1.9 24.8
2006 44 708 964 1.4 4 144 166 9.3 11.1 80 635 0.2 1.7 21.7
2005 44 108 530 2.1 3 730 610 8.5 23.0 66 236 0.2 1.5 18.8
2004 43 197 684 1.1 3 034 326 7.0 13.9 55 769 0.1 1.5 -1.6
2003 42 717 064 2.1 2 664 168 6.2 34.7 56 672 0.1 1.7 8.9
2002 41 837 894 1.8 1 977 946 4.7 44.3 52 055 0.1 2.0 10.6
2001 41 116 842 1.5 1 370 657 3.3 48.4 47 064 0.1 2.4 8.6
2000 40 499 790 -- 923 879 2.3 -- 43 339 0.1 3.0 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note  The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadísticaséries anuais do Padron Municipal de habitantesPoblación por nacionalidad, pais de nacimiento y sexo. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.2.1 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex, 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2023 103 656 45 454 43.9 58 202 56.2
2022 98 874 43 457 44.0 55 417 56.0
2021 97 187 42 438 43.7 54 749 56.3
2020 97 628 42 573 43.6 55 055 56.4
2019 93 440 40 627 43.5 52 813 56.5
2018 89 616 38 674 43.2 50 942 56.8
2017 88 451 37 741 42.7 50 710 57.3
2016 91 371 38 381 42.0 52 990 58.0
2015 98 751 40 869 41.4 57 882 58.6
2014 109 708 44 134 40.2 65 574 59.8
2013 129 079 49 965 38.7 79 114 61.3
2012 138 682 52 531 37.9 86 151 62.1
2011 140 824 52 868 37.6 87 956 62.5
2010 142 520 52 913 37.1 89 607 62.9
2009 140 870 51 652 36.7 89 218 63.3
2008 127 199 46 297 36.4 80 902 63.6
2007 100 616 38 509 38.3 62 107 61.7
2006 80 635 32 517 40.3 48 118 59.7
2005 66 236 28 172 42.5 38 064 57.5
2004 55 769 24 970 44.8 30 799 55.2
2003 56 672 25 807 45.5 30 865 54.5
2002 52 055 24 090 46.3 27 965 53.7
2001 47 064 22 337 47.5 24 727 52.5
2000 43 340 21 043 48.6 22 297 51.4
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex
Note The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.

At the source the sum of the categories includes 1 more individual than the total indicated.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadísticaséries anuais do Padron Municipal de habitantes, Población extranjera por Nacionalidad, Sexo y Año. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.2.2 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group , 2015-2023
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2023 103 656 9 681 9.3 37 477 36.2 46 417 44.8 10 081 9.7
2022 98 874 9 500 9.6 37 483 37.9 43 352 43.8 8 539 8.6
2021 97 187 9 411 9.7 37 475 38.6 42 413 43.6 7 888 8.1
2020 97 628 9 678 9.9 38 376 39.3 42 054 43.1 7 520 7.7
2019 93 440 9 302 10.0 37 364 40.0 40 030 42.8 6 744 7.2
2018 89 616 8 926 10.0 35 988 40.2 38 403 42.9 6 299 7.0
2017 88 451 8 866 10.0 35 990 40.7 37 671 42.6 5 924 6.7
2016 91 371 9 243 10.1 37 855 41.4 38 507 42.2 5 766 6.3
2015 98 751 10 056 10.2 42 164 42.7 40 777 41.3 5 754 5.8
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/ago./2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group
Note The values of foreigners and Portuguese nationals are reported on January 1 of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de EstadísticaResultados detallados, Población extranjera por país de nacionalidad, edad (grupos quinquenales) y sexo. From 2023 onwards, Censos de Población y Viviendas.
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2022
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total Change in
2022 121 617 -0.3 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 121 939 20.5 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 101 185 -19.3 -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 125 382 69.2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2018 74 112 -4.6 -- -- -- -- -- --
2017 77 710 -0.5 -- -- -- -- -- --
2016 78 125 39.2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 56 104 4.7 -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 53 600 10.2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2013 48 653 -26.5 -- -- -- -- -- --
2012 66 212 6.1 47 959 72.4 7.6 63 508 95.9 6.7
2011 62 381 7.5 44 586 71.5 6.2 59 535 95.4 2.8
2010 58 031 7.4 41 982 72.4 6.1 57 920 99.8 7.4
2009 54 018 8.7 39 562 73.2 7.3 53 912 99.8 8.7
2008 49 706 -- 36 877 74.2 -- 49 603 99.8 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 24/out./2023
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portuguese consulates abroad and Consular Management System (DGACCP), values granted upon request.
A.4 Foreign inflows , 2000-2023
Years Total inflows Portuguese inflows
N Change in N % of total Change in
2023 1 250 991 -0.6 11 554 0.9 5.0
2022 1 258 894 41.8 11 001 0.9 -0.1
2021 887 960 69.6 11 009 1.2 70.1
2020 523 618 -40.1 6 471 1.2 -36.3
2019 873 842 14.9 10 155 1.2 -4.5
2018 760 804 19.4 10 636 1.4 17.7
2017 637 375 19.2 9 038 1.4 18.2
2016 534 574 17.3 7 646 1.4 15.2
2015 455 679 13.9 6 638 1.5 12.1
2014 399 947 16.8 5 923 1.5 11.7
2013 342 390 -7.6 5 302 1.6 -14.5
2012 370 515 -18.5 6 201 1.7 -16.5
2011 454 686 -2.1 7 424 1.6 -3.3
2010 464 443 -6.9 7 678 1.7 -21.2
2009 498 977 -31.3 9 739 2.0 -42.2
2008 726 009 -24.2 16 857 2.3 -38.0
2007 958 266 14.0 27 178 2.8 31.6
2006 840 844 16.9 20 658 2.5 55.0
2005 719 284 5.1 13 327 1.9 35.3
2004 684 561 45.6 9 851 1.4 104.2
2003 470 010 -2.7 4 825 1.0 36.4
2002 483 260 16.5 3 538 0.7 15.7
2001 414 772 14.4 3 057 0.7 3.4
2000 362 468 -- 2 955 0.8 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 12/dez./2024
Portuguese inflows
Note The data of 2021 was rectified by the responsible entity and modified by the OEm on 20/12/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, séries anuais da Estadística de variaciones residencialesAltas por variación residencial con procedencia del extranjero por país de nacionalidad y comunidad autónoma de destino (accessed in 12/11/2012), Altas por país de nacionalidad (2012) (accessed in 04/09/2013), Altas por comunidad autónoma de destino y país de nacionalidad (2013, 2014 e 2015) (accessed in 24/06/2016), Altas por país de nacionalidad, lugar de nacimiento y sexo (2016, 2017 and 2018). From 2021 onwards, Estadística de Migraciones y Cambios de Residencia, Inmigraciones procedentes del extranjero por año, sexo, edad (grandes grupos), nacionalidad y país de nacimiento (España/extranjero).
A.4.1 Portuguese inflows by sex , 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2023 11 554 5 027 43.5 6 527 56.5
2022 11 001 4 669 42.4 6 332 57.6
2021 11 009 4 676 42.5 6 333 57.5
2020 6 471 2 562 39.6 3 909 60.4
2019 10 155 4 110 40.5 6 045 59.5
2018 10 636 4 453 41.9 6 183 58.1
2017 9 038 3 780 41.8 5 258 58.2
2016 7 646 3 140 41.1 4 506 58.9
2015 6 638 2 624 39.5 4 014 60.5
2014 5 923 2 365 39.9 3 558 60.1
2013 5 302 2 103 39.7 3 199 60.3
2012 6 201 2 383 38.4 3 818 61.6
2011 7 424 2 774 37.4 4 650 62.6
2010 7 678 2 660 34.6 5 018 65.4
2009 9 739 3 467 35.6 6 272 64.4
2008 16 857 6 066 36.0 10 791 64.0
2007 27 178 7 931 29.2 19 247 70.8
2006 20 658 6 126 29.7 14 532 70.4
2005 13 327 3 853 28.9 9 474 71.1
2004 9 851 2 951 30.0 6 900 70.0
2003 4 825 1 601 33.2 3 224 66.8
2002 3 538 1 277 36.1 2 261 63.9
2001 3 057 1 091 35.7 1 966 64.3
2000 2 955 1 073 36.3 1 882 63.7
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 12/dez./2024
Portuguese inflows by sex
Note The 2021 data was rectified by the entity responsible and amended by OEm on 20/12/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, séries anuais da Estadística de variaciones residenciales, Altas por país de nacionalidad, lugar de nacimiento y sexo. From 2021 onwards, Estadística de Migraciones y Cambios de Residencia, Inmigraciones procedentes del extranjero por año, sexo, edad (grandes grupos), nacionalidad y país de nacimiento (España/extranjero).
A.4.2 Portuguese inflows by age group , 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total
2023 11 554 1 217 10.5 9 585 83.0 752 6.5
2022 11 001 1 139 10.4 9 253 84.1 609 5.5
2021 11 009 1 042 9.5 9 250 84.0 717 6.5
2020 6 471 696 10.8 5 518 85.3 257 4.0
2019 10 155 1 167 11.5 8 483 83.5 505 5.0
2018 10 636 1 292 12.2 8 891 83.6 453 4.3
2017 9 038 1 080 12.0 7 596 84.0 362 4.0
2016 7 646 925 12.1 6 439 84.2 282 3.7
2015 6 638 805 12.1 5 611 84.5 222 3.4
2014 5 923 738 12.5 4 993 84.3 192 3.2
2013 5 302 636 12.0 4 499 84.9 167 3.2
2012 6 201 696 11.2 5 320 85.8 185 3.0
2011 7 424 894 12.0 6 261 84.3 269 3.6
2010 7 678 845 11.0 6 603 86.0 230 3.0
2009 9 739 1 038 10.7 8 430 86.6 271 2.8
2008 16 857 1 946 11.6 14 633 86.8 278 1.6
2007 27 178 3 058 11.3 23 781 87.5 339 1.2
2006 20 658 2 589 12.5 17 788 86.1 281 1.4
2005 13 327 1 631 12.2 11 449 85.9 247 1.9
2004 9 851 1 267 12.9 8 318 84.4 266 2.7
2003 4 825 719 14.9 3 962 82.1 144 3.0
2002 3 538 536 15.2 2 879 81.4 123 3.5
2001 3 057 452 14.8 2 503 81.9 102 3.3
2000 2 955 402 13.6 2 445 82.8 108 3.7
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable ;  [ e ]EstimateLast update: 12/dez./2024
Portuguese inflows by age group
Note In the Spanish case the age group "<15" includes all those aged 15 and the age group "15-64" actually refers to all those aged between 16 and 64.  The 2021 data was rectified by the entity responsible and amended by OEm on 20/12/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, séries anuais da Estadística de variaciones residenciales, Altas por país de nacionalidad, lugar de nacimiento y edad. From 2021 onwards, Estadística de Migraciones y Cambios de Residencia, Inmigraciones procedentes del extranjero por año, sexo, edad (grandes grupos), nacionalidad y país de nacimiento (España/extranjero).
A.5 Acquisition of citizenship of the destination country , 2000-2022
Years Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
N Change in N % of total Change in
2022 124 300 -38.6 264 0.2 -66.3
2021 202 336 152.4 784 0.4 206.2
2020 80 148 -50.8 256 0.3 -57.0
2019 162 799 76.0 596 0.4 58.1
2018 92 501 256.8 377 0.4 179.3
2017 25 924 -72.4 135 0.5 -71.7
2016 93 760 20.2 477 0.5 39.9
2015 78 000 -16.8 341 0.4 -31.2
2014 93 714 -64.1 496 0.5 -60.8
2013 261 295 126.1 1 265 0.5 52.4
2012 115 557 0.8 830 0.7 -6.1
2011 114 599 -7.4 884 0.8 10.5
2010 123 721 55.4 800 0.6 65.0
2009 79 597 -5.4 485 0.6 -14.3
2008 84 170 17.2 566 0.7 48.6
2007 71 810 15.2 381 0.5 -11.4
2006 62 339 45.6 430 0.7 -10.0
2005 42 829 11.7 478 1.1 -24.6
2004 38 335 44.4 634 1.7 18.3
2003 26 556 21.8 536 2.0 -14.5
2002 21 805 30.2 627 2.9 12.4
2001 16 743 39.5 558 3.3 23.4
2000 11 999 -- 452 3.8 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/jun./2023
Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
Note In 2017 there is a marked decrease due to administrative processes. The data correspond to the acquisition of nationality whose resolution depends on delegation to the Directorate General of the Ministry of Justice and not to other routes of acquisition that are under the competence of the Civil Registries.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portal de InmigraciónConcesiones de nacionalidad por residencia.
A.6 Remittances , 2000-2024
(Euros, thousands)
Years Inward flows (thousand euros) (a) Outward flows (thousand euros) (b) Balance (a/b)
N Change in Change in
2024 130 650 -6.0 14 620 6.4 9
2023 138 940 13.5 13 740 13.9 10
2022 122 450 -1.6 12 060 9.8 10
2021 124 440 11.3 10 980 2.6 11
2020 111 780 -2.2 10 700 6.0 10
2019 114 280 -6.0 10 090 -25.2 11
2018 121 520 5.4 13 480 -11.8 9
2017 115 330 -18.3 15 280 -5.3 8
2016 141 140 7.8 16 130 20.6 9
2015 130 990 -21.5 13 370 -3.6 10
2014 166 930 6.5 13 870 -9.0 12
2013 156 700 20.6 15 240 1.4 10
2012 129 910 46.9 15 030 27.0 9
2011 88 410 -20.4 11 830 -4.8 7
2010 111 030 -10.3 12 430 21.3 9
2009 123 820 -1.9 10 250 -3.7 12
2008 126 230 30.6 10 640 4.5 12
2007 96 690 56.4 10 180 14.5 10
2006 61 810 19.9 8 890 -2.5 7
2005 51 560 -15.4 9 120 -52.4 6
2004 60 970 -12.8 19 150 18.1 3
2003 69 890 -10.3 16 210 -0.2 4
2002 77 950 34.0 16 240 25.0 5
2001 58 190 2.4 12 990 119.4 4
2000 56 820 -- 5 920 -- 10
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/fev./2025
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Banco de PortugalBP stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes.
B. Census
B.1 Resident population by census and nationality, according to country of birth , 2011-2012
Nationality Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 46 804 900 100.0 5 648 935 100.0 98 975 100.0
Nationality of the destination country 41 562 780 88.8 912 695 16.2 16 080 16.2
Foreign nationality 5 242 120 11.2 4 736 240 83.8 82 895 83.8
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/fev./2025
Residents born in Portugal by nationality
Note ! Other situations or missing values: 11,010
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat, 2011 census hub
B.2 Resident population by census and sex, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By sex Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 46 815 910 100.0 5 648 990 100 98 975 100
Female 23 711 560 50.6 2 785 145 49.3 41 550 42.0
Male 23 104 350 49.4 2 863 845 50.7 57 425 58.0
Total Population 40 847 371 100.0 2 172 201 100 56 359 100
Female 20 834 489 51.0 1 075 770 49.5 28 869 51.2
Male 20 012 882 49.0 1 096 431 50.5 27 490 48.8
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/fev./2025
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat, 2011 census hub
B.3 Resident population by census and age group, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By age group Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 46 815 910 100.0 5 648 995 10.9 98 975 0.2
-15 Years 7 069 260 15.1 545 735 9.7 7 375 7.5
15-39 Years 15 789 355 33.7 2 832 645 50.2 36 005 36.4
40-64 Years 15 841 480 33.8 1 909 580 33.8 44 910 45.4
65+ Years 8 115 815 17.3 361 035 6.4 10 685 10.8
Total Population 40 847 371 100.0 2 172 201 4.8 56 359 0.1
-15 Years 5 932 653 14.5 231 139 10.6 3 631 6.4
15-39 Years 15 821 076 38.7 1 232 783 56.8 22 730 40.3
40-64 Years 12 135 126 29.7 551 679 25.4 22 929 40.7
65+ Years 6 958 516 17.0 156 600 7.2 7 069 12.6
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/fev./2025
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Chart drafted by OEm, data from European Union, Eurostat, 2011 census hub
B.5 Residents born in Portugal by labour force status , 2011-2012
By labour force status Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 46 815 915 100.0 5 648 995 100.0 98 975 100.0
Employed 17 530 100 37.4 2 238 340 39.6 41 740 42.2
Unemployed 7 380 945 15.8 1 484 525 26.3 20 515 20.7
Inactive 21 904 870 46.8 1 926 130 34.1 36 720 37.1
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 19/fev./2025
Residents born in Portugal by labour force status
Note ! In the source the sum of the categories includes 5 more individuals than the indicated total.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat, 2011 census hub

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