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You can find answers to these questions and many others related to Portuguese emigration in the most recent publication of the Emigration Observatory Portuguese Emigration 2023: Statistical Report.
The Emigration Observatory, in collaboration with the project "EERNEP: Experiences and expectations of the return of new Portuguese emigrants: reintegration and mobility", has created a section focused on the return of emigrants to Portugal.
Malika Ghemmaz, at the time a political science student at the Université du Droit et de la Santé (Lille II), analysed the relationship between Portuguese residents in Northern European Member States and voting in her doctoral thesis.
[CALL] A call for papers for the OEm Working Papers is now open until January 15th.
The seminar “Mobilization against migration in Europe: drivers and impacts” with Professor Kristian Berg Harpviken, from the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) in Norway, will take place on November 30 at 10 a.m. in room C2.05 of Building II at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. The focus of this session is to discuss issues related to the rise of anti-immigration movements in Europe with political decision-makers and associations working on immigration in Portugal.
On November 16, the Emigration Observatory and the future Cape Verde Migration Observatory met in order to continue the project to develop this observatory in Cape Verde. In the future, once the Cape Verde Migration Observatory has started work, it is planned to create partnerships between the two entities in order to facilitate the exchange of information on emigrants from both countries.
On November 16, the Emigration Observatory and the Observatorio Movilidad Humana y Protección Internacional met. This meeting resulted in a future partnership between the two observatories in order to create synergies between the two entities and share relevant information in the area of emigration.
[CALL] A call for papers for the OEm Working Papers is now open until February 15th.
The Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) launched the study Imigrants and Lusodescendants in the USA in the 21st century, with the purpose of deepening the knowledge of the current demographic and socioeconomic profile of the Portuguese and Lusodescendant community in the United States, thus making a portrait of the Luso-American community.
Gabriela Cunha, at the time a psychology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, analysed in her Master's dissertation the impact that a transition such as emigration has on individuals and their marital relationships and how couples adapt to change.
Gabriela Cunha, at the time a psychology student at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto, analysed in her Master's dissertation the impact that a transition such as emigration has on individuals and their marital relationships and how couples adapt to change.
Did you know that between 1900 and 2013 there were 2117 Portuguese soccer players who left Portugal to go to other countries?
The International Organization for Migration developed a portal, the Migration Data Portal, where statistical information regarding international migration is compiled. In this space, it is possible to find statistical information by country, by subregion, by region and by IOM region, as well as to compare and explore international, national, country and indicator data.
[SURVEY] The survey “Return as emigration: the case of Portuguese young adults”, part of the doctoral project is now available online. This survey aims to to identify what factors explain the return of so many Portuguese emigrants aged 20 to 34 years +
The online questionnaire survey, "Portuguese Language Media in Diaspora Communities", is now available. Its aim is to understand the relationship between diaspora communities and the Portuguese language media in their host countries. +
[SURVEY] The survey “Experiences of Portuguese people returning from abroad”, part of the research project “Expectations and experiences of return of new Portuguese emigrants: reintegration and mobility (EERNEP)” is now available online. This survey aims to understand the experiences of return of Portuguese citizens who lived abroad. +
The European Commission has set up a page addressing the impact of OVID-19 on migrant communities and presenting the responses and support from the responsible entities. +
The International Organization for Migration has developed a global mobility database to map the impacts of OVID-19 on human mobility at global, regional and national levels. +
[SURVEY] The survey The impact of OVID-19 on international/ foreign students in higher education in Portugal, developed through MIGRARE, which aims to understand the impact of OVID-19 on international/ foreign students in higher education in Portugal, is now available online. +
The Migration Policy Institute has created a platform that brings together all the research and analysis generated on the new Corona virus pandemic and migration. In addition to articles and comments, the platform already has a factsheet and two webminars. +
The Centre for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at Oxford University has created a forum focused on Coronavirus and Mobility. The forum is led by the Oxford University Professor of Social Anthropology, Biao Xiang. +
[CALL] There is an open call for papers until February 20th for the International Symposium on Migration and Integration in the Lusophone World: Historical, Current and Future Perspectives, to be held at the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, from June 30th to July 1st. +
As part of the 17th edition of KINO - German Expression Film Festival, organized by the Goethe-Institut Portugal in partnership with the Austrian, Swiss and Luxembourg Embassies, the film ELDORADO, a feature by Rui Eduardo Abreu, Thierry Besseling and Loïc Tanson about Portuguese emigration in Luxembourg, will be shown on January 30th at 6:30pm. The film is followed by a round table discussion with Portuguese emigration specialists and researchers from the University of Lisbon, with Dr. Jorge Malheiros and Dr. Pedro Candeias, where the context of recent Portuguese emigration will be discussed and reflected on the migration path and the search for an "Eldorado" in general. +
The public presentation of the 2018 Emigration Report will take place on 17 December at Palácio das Necessidades (Biblioteca da Rainha), at 4p.m. The general lines of the Report will be disseminated by the Scientific Coordinator of the Emigration Observatory, Prof. Rui Pena Pires. The session will be attended by the Secretary of State of the Portuguese Communities, Berta Nunes, and will be closed by the Minister of State and Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva. +
On December 7th, the presentation session of the books "De Torna-Viagem. A Emigração na Literatura Portuguesa" published by Editora Caleidoscópio, and the book by Jorge Pereira de Sampaio, "Virgínia Vitorino: vida e obra".will take place in the Auditorium of the Municipal Library of Alcobaça, at 2:45pm. The same will be presented by Piedade Neto, from CisterFM Radio, and by Mafalda Ferro, president of the António Quadros Foundation, respectively. +
[CALL] The first workshop of the cycle "Emigration and return in Portugal" will take place on October 9th. This round table will have the participation of Professor Rui Pena Pires, the Director of the Demographic Statistics Service of INE, Cláudia Pina, and Professor Isabel Tiago de Oliveira. The session is open to all people who work or have an interest in the topic of return. The workshop is open for registration until October 6. +
Interview conducted by Ângela Roque (Renaissance) and Lígia Silveira (ECCLESIA Agency) to Professor Maria Beatriz Rocha Trindade on the Civilization Retreat puts the law above the human being. +
At the end of the cycle dedicated to migrations, the Cinemateca Portuguesa dedicates the month of May to the Portuguese diaspora with a set of sessions focused on this theme, and the presence of some directors who approach and experience this same reality. The Cycle will end with a debate on the themes addressed in the Cycle, with the presence of José Vieira, José Alexandre Cardoso Marques, Philippe Costantini and Octávio Espírito Santo. +
As part of the Cycle "Peoples in Movement: Migration, Exile and Diaspora III" directed by the Cinemateca Portuguesa, the film O Salto by Christian de Chalonge, about emigration to France in the sixties and seventies, will be shown on May 14th at 9:30 p.m. in the theater M. Félix Ribeiro. Watch the interview filmed to the director, by the Emigration Observatory, here. +
During the months of March, April and May, the Cinemateca will present a vast series of films on the subject of migrations. The program covers 100 years of film and history and includes fiction, documentaries and filmed essays, great classics and rarities. +
[SURVEY] With the aim of understanding and know the people affected by bi-directional movements of people and objects between Lisbon, Luanda, Berlin and Sydney, the Transits Project launched a series of questionnaires for Australians, Germans and Angolans living in Lisbon, and for Portuguese living in Luanda, Berlin and Sydney. +
[OEm] The Emigration Observatory carried out the extraction of the information about Portuguese emigrants from the DIOC and provides, in free access, the bases so constituted. A Portuguese emigrant was defined as any person born in Portugal residing abroad. +
[OEm] The Emigration Observatory carried out the extraction of the information about Portuguese emigrants from the DIOC and provides, in free access, the bases so constituted. A Portuguese emigrant was defined as any person born in Portugal residing abroad. +
[PROJECT] Transits projectis is a research blog that has the main goals of disseminating and highlighting scientific informations and outcomes concerning the ongoing project as well as events and publications related to the topics under study. +
[OEm] In the section entitled "Destination countries", the Observatory has included United Nations estimates of the stock of the Portuguese population emigrated. The information available concerns the years of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017. +
[OEm] In the section entitled "Destination countries", the Observatory has included United Nations estimates of the stock of the Portuguese population emigrated. The information available concerns the years of 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017. +
It is open a Call for OEm Working Papers until April 30th. +
[PUBLICATION] It is available for download, the Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2016.
[PUBLICAÇÃO] It is available for download, the book South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis edited by Jean-Michel Lafleur e Mikolaj Stanek, which contains a chapter by the researchers José Carlos Marques and Pedro Góis. +
[PUBLICATION] Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and founding member of the International Institute of Migration (IMI), Hein de Haas, published on Der Spiegel, in March 2017, an article on the myths and inaccuracies with regard to migration. +
[CROWDFUNDING] "Menina" est le nom du film de Cristina Pinheiro, la réalisatrice. C’est son histoire, française de parents portugais, Elle est fascinée par l'héritage culturel que lègue les parents immigrés à leurs enfants et la faculté pour eux d'ancrer de nouvelles racines. Menina vous les fait découvrir !

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

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