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[SURVEY] With the aim of understanding and know the people affected by bi-directional movements of people and objects between Lisbon, Luanda, Berlin and Sydney, the Transits Project launched a series of questionnaires for Australians, Germans and Angolans living in Lisbon, and for Portuguese living in Luanda, Berlin and Sydney. +

TRANSITS is a project on international migration, material culture and everyday life. TRANSITS team will use it to disseminate and highlight the outcomes of the project, as well as info, events and relevant international publications related to the topics under study. TRANSITS addresses specific movements in and out of Portugal through the study of their material dimensions. It will investigate how and to what extent contemporary material culture and consumption practices are implicated in the expectations, imaginaries, and experiences of present-day circulations of people to and from four major cities: Berlin, Lisbon, Luanda and Sydney.

TRANSITS draws on the potential of its innovative (material culture) perspective to: a) investigate new dimensions in migrants’ daily lives and confront their diversity in terms of expectations, routes, destinations, temporalities and outcomes; and b) illuminate how, to what extent and with what consequences contemporary circulations of people and things feed, boost and impact each other.

TRANSITS seeks answers to the following questions:

a) How to characterize the flows of people and things, their intersections and differentiating logics?

b) How does materiality work to produce imaginaries of movement and to evaluate possible options of destination?

c) What do consumption practices reveal about the uprooting activities carried out in different locations, the relationships with places of origin and with those who stayed behind?

d) In what degree are migrants’ life-project ideals made tangible through consumer experiences?

e) How is the migrant condition imagined and experienced, and how does material culture contribute to this task?.


In this context and with the aim of understanding and know the people affected by bi-directional movements of people and objects between Lisbon, Luanda, Berlin and Sydney, the Transits Project launched a series of questionnaires for Australians, Germans and Angolans living in Lisbon, and for Portuguese living in Luanda, Berlin and Sydney.


Australians in Lisbon: https://ics.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2memDykHHXxTVHL

Germans in Lisbon: https://ics.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3slwydeMYoQKGdn

Angolans in Lisbon: https://ics.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eyC04XZKXxu8Q2F

Portuguese in Luanda, Berlin and Sydney: https://ics.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7ZCzCWesL3sgg3r

More information on this project here.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074


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