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Tiesler, Nina
Nina Tiesler is a sociologist, with a Ph.D. in comparative religion sciences from the University of Hanover, Germany (2004), and is an assistant researcher at ICS-UL. She is coordinating the project DIASBOLA, financed by FCT. Her current research interests are: Translocal Islam, sports and diaspora, football and society, Portuguese diaspora.
Trigal, Lorenzo López
Lorenzo López Trigal has a PhD in Geography from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 1977. He is currently a Professor of Human Geography at the University of León where he coordinates a research team. He was one of the first Spanish academics with academic production on Portuguese immigration in Spain, with particular focus on the region of Leon, where he develops his academic activity and where he was born. His interests and his scientific production range from urban geography and political geography to regional planning and regional planning.
Van Mol, Christof
Christof Van Mol is a professor at Tilburg University, and has been part of the Centre for the Internationalization of Higher Education at the Catholic University of Milan since 2019. He chairs the COST Action European network on international student mobility: connecting research and practice (ENIS) (2021-2025), and coordinates the IMISCOE standing committee on education and social inequality. Her scientific interests focus mainly on processes, patterns and outcomes of international migration, with a specific focus on intra-European mobility flows, and on innovative forms of mixed methods research and online survey methodology. In 2022 he published three articles focusing on the topic of student mobility An experimental study on the impact of contact design on web survey participation, Exploring explanations for the gender gap in study abroad: a case study of the Netherlands, e Intra-European student mobility and the different meanings of ‘Europe’.
Volovitch-Tavares, Marie-Christine
Marie Christine Volovitch-Tavares is an historian. Since the 1990s, she has worked on Portuguese immigration in France. Author of the book "Portugais à Champigny, le temps des baraques", her research focuses on topics as varied as the favelas of the 1960s, political exiles, or the role of the Catholic religion in the Portuguese integration. +
Xavier, António de Abreu
António de Abreu Xavier has a degree and PhD in History from the Central University of Venezuela and is interested in researching the relations between Europe and Venezuela through immigration. He is currently a researcher at the Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora, through FCT, in a research project on the political-economic ties between Portugal and Venezuela.
Wenden, Catherine Wihtol de
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden is research director emeritus at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, an expert on international migration, and a researcher at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Sciences Po Paris University. Her research interests focus on international migration, international relations, and the exploration of a citizenship and political science approach to migration. She has published more than 20 books, including La question migratoire au XXIe siècle (Presses de Sciences Po, 2017), Immigration: chance ou menace ? (Editions First, 2020), and Atlas des migrations. De nouvelles solidarités à construire (Editions Autrement, 2021).

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