\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Demography and migration (pop) \Immigration (migr_immi)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Demography and migration (pop) \Emigration (migr_emi)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Demography and migration (pop) \Acquisition and loss of citizenship (migr_acqn)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Population and housing census (cens) \Census 2011 round (cens_11r) \Data on persons (cens_11rdp) \Population by migration characteristics (cens_11rmc)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Population and housing census (cens) \Census 2001 round, national level (cens_01n)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Population and housing census (cens) \Census 2001 round, regional level (cens_01r)
\Database by thrmes \Population and social conditions \Population and housing census (cens) \Census 1990/91 round, national level (cens_91n)
Information, by country of residence, about emigration and immigration in countries of the European Union and EFTA, relating to stocks, fluxes of entry and departure, and acquisitions of nationality.
Source: official national statistics.
Time period, fluxes: since 1998.
Time period, acquisition of nationality: since 1991.
Time period, census: 1990/01, 2000/01 and 2010/11.
Geographical scope: the 34 OECD countries.
Included variables, fluxes: country of residence, country of birth, country of origin, nationality, gender and age group.
Included variables, acquisition of nationality: country of residence, previous nationality, gender and age.
Included variables, census: varies with each census; organized by country of birth and of nationality in the 2010/11 census, and by country of nationality in the 1990/91 and 2000/01 census.