A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 2000-2024
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2024 9 158 750 0.6 2 038 718 22.3 3.2 3 568 0.0 0.2 2.3
2023 9 104 772 1.4 1 975 860 21.7 7.2 3 487 0.0 0.2 7.4
2022 8 978 929 0.5 1 842 426 20.5 2.5 3 248 0.0 0.2 4.6
2021 8 932 664 0.4 1 797 573 20.1 1.8 3 105 0.0 0.2 2.8
2020 8 901 064 0.5 1 765 311 19.8 2.1 3 020 0.0 0.2 3.2
2019 8 858 775 0.4 1 728 554 19.5 1.8 2 925 0.0 0.2 5.1
2018 8 822 267 0.6 1 697 123 19.2 2.5 2 782 0.0 0.2 1.7
2017 8 772 865 0.8 1 656 266 18.9 3.9 2 735 0.0 0.2 4.6
2016 8 700 471 1.4 1 594 723 18.3 7.4 2 615 0.0 0.2 9.2
2015 8 584 926 0.9 1 484 595 17.3 5.0 2 394 0.0 0.2 4.6
2014 8 507 786 0.7 1 414 624 16.6 3.6 2 288 0.0 0.2 16.2
2013 8 451 860 0.5 1 364 771 16.2 3.2 1 969 0.0 0.2 18.6
2012 8 408 121 0.4 1 323 083 15.7 2.2 1 660 0.0 0.1 8.5
2011 8 375 164 0.3 1 294 706 15.5 1.5 1 530 0.0 0.1 7.2
2010 8 351 643 0.2 1 275 487 15.3 1.2 1 427 0.0 0.1 1.0
2009 8 335 003 0.3 1 260 277 15.1 2.0 1 413 0.0 0.1 6.1
2008 8 307 989 0.3 1 235 678 14.9 1.6 1 332 0.0 0.1 9.2
2007 8 282 984 0.4 1 215 695 14.7 1.7 1 220 0.0 0.1 0.8
2006 8 254 298 0.6 1 195 156 14.5 3.5 1 210 0.0 0.1 7.6
2005 8 201 359 0.7 1 154 776 14.1 1.2 1 125 0.0 0.1 4.1
2004 8 142 573 0.5 1 141 212 14.0 0.3 1 081 0.0 0.1 9.6
2003 8 100 273 0.4 1 137 351 14.0 2.3 986 0.0 0.1 11.0
2002 8 063 640 -0.1 1 112 094 13.8 11.6 888 0.0 0.1 -25.5
2000 8 069 276 -- 996 547 12.4 -- 1 192 0.0 0.1 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Born in Portugal
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birthUnited Nations Statistics Division (estimates).
A.1.1 Residents born in Portugal by sex, 2000-2024
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2024 3 568 1 532 42.9 2 036 57.1
2023 3 487 1 483 42.5 2 004 57.5
2022 3 248 1 351 41.6 1 897 58.4
2021 3 105 1 262 40.6 1 843 59.4
2020 3 020 1 220 40.4 1 800 59.6
2019 2 925 1 193 40.8 1 732 59.2
2018 2 782 1 164 41.8 1 618 58.2
2017 2 735 1 141 41.7 1 594 58.3
2016 2 615 1 074 41.1 1 541 58.9
2015 2 394 990 41.4 1 404 58.6
2014 2 288 920 40.2 1 368 59.8
2013 1 969 784 39.8 1 185 60.2
2012 1 660 680 41.0 980 59.0
2011 1 530 627 41.0 903 59.0
2010 1 427 598 41.9 829 58.1
2009 1 413 588 41.6 825 58.4
2008 1 332 555 41.7 777 58.3
2007 1 220 525 43.0 695 57.0
2006 1 210 511 42.2 699 57.8
2005 1 125 471 41.9 654 58.1
2004 1 081 444 41.1 637 58.9
2003 986 413 41.9 573 58.1
2002 888 399 44.9 489 55.1
2000 1 192 479 40.2 713 59.8
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birthUnited Nations Statistics Division (the UN data are estimates).
A.1.2 Residents born in Portugal by age group, 2002-2024
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2024 3 568 262 7.4 1 662 46.6 1 462 41.0 182 5.1
2023 3 487 284 8.2 1 633 46.8 1 389 39.8 181 5.2
2022 3 248 286 8.8 1 460 45.0 1 341 41.3 161 5.0
2021 3 105 278 9.0 1 372 44.2 1 306 42.1 149 4.8
2020 3 020 279 9.2 1 364 45.2 1 247 41.3 130 4.3
2019 2 925 292 10.0 1 337 45.7 1 168 39.9 128 4.4
2018 2 782 299 10.8 1 296 46.6 1 063 38.2 124 4.5
2017 2 735 291 10.6 1 339 49.0 989 36.2 116 4.2
2016 2 615 278 10.6 1 300 49.7 934 35.7 103 3.9
2015 2 394 257 10.7 1 210 50.6 836 34.9 91 3.8
2014 2 288 230 10.1 1 192 52.1 786 34.4 80 3.5
2013 1 969 195 9.9 1 017 51.7 679 34.5 78 4.0
2012 1 660 139 8.4 858 51.7 589 35.5 74 4.5
2011 1 530 114 7.5 815 53.3 532 34.8 69 4.5
2010 1 427 117 8.2 782 54.8 464 32.5 64 4.5
2009 1 413 122 8.6 784 55.5 445 31.5 62 4.4
2008 1 332 113 8.5 747 56.1 413 31.0 59 4.4
2007 1 220 110 9.0 683 56.0 371 30.4 56 4.6
2006 1 210 112 9.3 696 57.5 353 29.2 49 4.0
2005 1 125 106 9.4 645 57.3 327 29.1 47 4.2
2004 1 081 98 9.1 644 59.6 296 27.4 43 4.0
2003 986 86 8.7 589 59.7 269 27.3 42 4.3
2002 888 82 9.2 524 59.0 243 27.4 39 4.4
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birth.
A.2 Foreign population, 2000-2024
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2024 9 158 750 0.6 1 800 866 19.7 4.1 5 044 0.1 0.2 5.1
2023 9 104 772 1.4 1 729 820 19.0 9.0 4 799 0.1 0.2 7.8
2022 8 978 929 0.5 1 586 709 17.7 3.6 4 454 0.0 0.2 6.8
2021 8 932 664 0.4 1 531 072 17.2 3.0 4 172 0.0 0.2 4.6
2020 8 901 064 0.5 1 486 223 16.7 3.3 3 989 0.0 0.2 5.3
2019 8 858 775 0.4 1 438 923 16.2 3.1 3 789 0.0 0.2 6.6
2018 8 822 267 0.6 1 395 880 15.8 4.0 3 555 0.0 0.2 4.0
2017 8 772 865 0.8 1 341 930 15.3 5.9 3 419 0.0 0.2 6.4
2016 8 700 471 1.4 1 267 674 14.6 10.6 3 213 0.0 0.2 11.1
2015 8 584 926 0.9 1 146 078 13.4 7.5 2 893 0.0 0.2 4.2
2014 8 507 786 0.7 1 066 114 12.5 6.2 2 775 0.0 0.2 22.8
2013 8 451 860 0.5 1 004 268 11.9 5.6 2 260 0.0 0.2 20.5
2012 8 408 121 0.4 951 429 11.3 4.2 1 875 0.0 0.2 10.0
2011 8 375 164 0.3 913 203 10.9 3.4 1 704 0.0 0.1 9.7
2010 8 351 643 0.2 883 579 10.6 2.7 1 553 0.0 0.1 2.0
2009 8 335 003 0.3 860 004 10.3 3.7 1 522 0.0 0.1 8.9
2008 8 307 989 0.3 829 679 10.0 3.1 1 398 0.0 0.1 9.5
2007 8 282 984 0.4 804 779 9.7 1.0 1 277 0.0 0.1 2.8
2006 8 254 298 0.6 796 666 9.7 2.9 1 242 0.0 0.1 8.6
2005 8 201 359 0.7 774 401 9.4 2.7 1 144 0.0 0.1 5.8
2004 8 142 573 0.5 754 216 9.3 1.0 1 081 0.0 0.1 10.2
2003 8 100 273 0.4 746 753 9.2 2.3 981 0.0 0.1 11.5
2002 8 063 640 -0.1 730 261 9.1 -- 880 0.0 0.1 --
2000 8 069 276 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birthUnited Nations Statistics Division (estimates).
A.2.1 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex, 2002-2024
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2024 5 044 2 086 41.4 2 958 58.6
2023 4 799 1 976 41.2 2 823 58.8
2022 4 454 1 802 40.5 2 652 59.6
2021 4 172 1 663 39.9 2 509 60.1
2020 3 989 1 584 39.7 2 405 60.3
2019 3 789 1 511 39.9 2 278 60.1
2018 3 555 1 437 40.4 2 118 59.6
2017 3 419 1 375 40.2 2 044 59.8
2016 3 213 1 277 39.8 1 936 60.3
2015 2 893 1 136 39.3 1 757 60.7
2014 2 775 1 041 37.5 1 734 62.5
2013 2 260 859 38.0 1 401 62.0
2012 1 875 722 38.5 1 153 61.5
2011 1 704 657 38.6 1 047 61.4
2010 1 553 608 39.2 945 60.8
2009 1 522 594 39.0 928 61.0
2008 1 398 544 38.9 854 61.1
2007 1 277 499 39.1 778 60.9
2006 1 242 478 38.5 764 61.5
2005 1 144 430 37.6 714 62.4
2004 1 081 396 36.6 685 63.4
2003 981 367 37.4 614 62.6
2002 880 356 40.5 524 59.6
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birth.
A.2.2 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group , 2002-2024
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2024 5 044 710 14.1 2 161 42.8 2 038 40.4 135 2.7
2023 4 799 675 14.1 2 095 43.7 1 901 39.6 128 2.7
2022 4 454 653 14.7 1 877 42.2 1 815 40.8 109 2.4
2021 4 172 632 15.2 1 716 41.1 1 728 41.4 96 2.3
2020 3 989 609 15.3 1 681 42.2 1 622 40.7 77 1.9
2019 3 789 597 15.8 1 625 42.9 1 487 39.2 80 2.1
2018 3 555 571 16.1 1 580 44.4 1 330 37.4 74 2.1
2017 3 419 548 16.0 1 591 46.5 1 215 35.5 65 1.9
2016 3 213 508 15.8 1 546 48.1 1 102 34.3 57 1.8
2015 2 893 450 15.6 1 422 49.2 967 33.4 54 1.9
2014 2 775 397 14.3 1 418 51.1 917 33.0 43 1.6
2013 2 260 334 14.8 1 159 51.3 722 32.0 45 2.0
2012 1 875 264 14.1 956 51.0 619 33.0 36 1.9
2011 1 704 239 14.0 901 52.9 529 31.0 35 2.1
2010 1 553 231 14.9 842 54.2 451 29.0 29 1.9
2009 1 522 222 14.6 843 55.4 427 28.1 30 2.0
2008 1 398 197 14.1 787 56.3 383 27.4 31 2.2
2007 1 277 188 14.7 723 56.6 337 26.4 29 2.3
2006 1 242 168 13.5 739 59.5 314 25.3 21 1.7
2005 1 144 144 12.6 696 60.8 283 24.7 21 1.8
2004 1 081 114 10.6 702 64.9 246 22.8 19 1.8
2003 981 94 9.6 648 66.1 221 22.5 18 1.8
2002 880 86 9.8 590 67.0 187 21.2 17 1.9
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group
Note The values refer to the beginning of the years indicated by the statistical institute.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaPopulation by nationality and country of birth.
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2022
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in % of total Change in % of total Change in
2022 5 670 220.7 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 1 768 320.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 421 -93.9 -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 6 854 23.1 -- -- -- -- -- --
2016 5 568 14.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 4 883 63.1 -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 2 994 39.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2011 2 154 33.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 1 620 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 24/out/2023
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portuguese consulates abroad and Consular Management System (DGACCP), data grantes upon request.
A.4 Foreign inflows , 2002-2023
Years Total inflows Portuguese inflows
N Change in N % of total Change in
2023 181 568 -26.3 778 0.4 -2.4
2022 246 265 76.5 797 0.3 19.1
2021 139 543 15.0 669 0.5 15.5
2020 121 311 -10.1 579 0.5 -14.8
2019 134 966 2.5 680 0.5 0.9
2018 131 724 -5.5 674 0.5 9.1
2017 139 329 -12.2 618 0.4 10.2
2016 158 746 -20.1 561 0.4 -15.4
2015 198 658 28.8 663 0.3 14.1
2014 154 260 14.1 581 0.4 -33.8
2013 135 228 7.7 878 0.6 26.7
2012 125 605 14.3 693 0.6 30.5
2011 109 921 13.4 531 0.5 19.6
2010 96 896 5.7 444 0.5 24.4
2009 91 660 -2.9 357 0.4 2.3
2008 94 368 3.1 349 0.4 14.4
2007 91 546 10.4 305 0.3 10.5
2006 82 899 -15.4 276 0.3 -6.8
2005 97 995 -6.0 296 0.3 11.3
2004 104 246 11.7 266 0.3 -15.0
2003 93 341 8.4 313 0.3 6.1
2002 86 144 -- 295 0.4 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Portuguese inflows
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics Austria, STATcube.
A.4.1 Portuguese inflows by sex , 2002-2023
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2023 778 337 43.3 441 56.7
2022 797 366 45.9 431 54.1
2021 669 300 44.8 369 55.2
2020 579 221 38.2 358 61.8
2019 680 275 40.4 405 59.6
2018 674 244 36.2 430 63.8
2017 618 250 40.5 368 59.6
2016 561 219 39.0 342 61.0
2015 663 241 36.4 422 63.7
2014 581 210 36.2 371 63.9
2013 878 285 32.5 593 67.5
2012 693 213 30.7 480 69.3
2011 531 140 26.4 391 73.6
2010 444 114 25.7 330 74.3
2009 357 102 28.6 255 71.4
2008 349 105 30.1 244 69.9
2007 305 94 30.8 211 69.2
2006 276 84 30.4 192 69.6
2005 296 86 29.1 210 71.0
2004 266 62 23.3 204 76.7
2003 313 77 24.6 236 75.4
2002 295 53 18.0 242 82.0
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Portuguese inflows by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics Austria, STATcube.
A.4.2 Portuguese inflows by age group , 2002-2023
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2023 778 65 8.4 551 70.8 156 20.1 6 0.8
2022 797 45 5.6 588 73.8 157 19.7 7 0.9
2021 669 47 7.0 486 72.6 131 19.6 5 0.8
2020 579 31 5.4 391 67.5 153 26.4 4 0.7
2019 680 52 7.6 453 66.6 170 25.0 5 0.7
2018 674 50 7.4 419 62.2 201 29.8 4 0.6
2017 618 63 10.2 398 64.4 151 24.4 6 1.0
2016 561 43 7.7 373 66.5 139 24.8 6 1.1
2015 663 56 8.4 433 65.3 170 25.6 4 0.6
2014 581 57 9.8 377 64.9 143 24.6 4 0.7
2013 878 84 9.6 557 63.4 236 26.9 1 0.1
2012 693 70 10.1 453 65.4 166 24.0 4 0.6
2011 531 30 5.6 343 64.6 155 29.2 3 0.6
2010 444 21 4.7 286 64.4 131 29.5 6 1.4
2009 357 17 4.8 242 67.8 94 26.3 4 1.1
2008 349 29 8.3 245 70.2 71 20.4 4 1.2
2007 305 18 5.9 225 73.8 59 19.4 3 1.0
2006 276 17 6.2 199 72.1 56 20.3 4 1.4
2005 296 13 4.4 231 78.0 51 17.2 1 0.3
2004 266 19 7.2 193 72.6 52 19.6 2 0.8
2003 313 17 5.4 248 79.2 47 15.0 1 0.3
2002 295 18 6.1 233 79.0 43 14.6 1 0.3
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable ;  [ e ]EstimateLast update: 05/jun/2024
Portuguese inflows by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics Austria, STATcube.
A.5 Acquisition of citizenship of the destination country , 2000-2023
Years Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
N Change in N % of total Change in
2023 19 939 -3.2 6 0.0 -25.0
2022 20 606 27.4 8 0.0 700.0
2021 16 171 79.8 1 0.0 --
2020 8 996 -14.3 0 0.0 --
2019 10 500 12.2 3 0.0 0.0
2018 9 355 2.5 3 0.0 -25.0
2017 9 125 7.0 4 0.0 100.0
2016 8 530 4.7 2 0.0 100.0
2015 8 144 7.6 1 0.0 -66.7
2014 7 570 2.9 3 0.0 --
2013 7 354 4.4 0 0.0 --
2012 7 043 5.3 3 0.0 50.0
2011 6 690 9.0 2 0.0 --
2010 6 135 -23.1 0 0.0 --
2009 7 978 -22.2 0 0.0 --
2008 10 258 -26.8 0 0.0 --
2007 14 010 -45.6 0 0.0 --
2006 25 746 -26.2 2 0.0 --
2005 34 876 -16.2 0 0.0 --
2004 41 645 -6.8 0 0.0 --
2003 44 694 24.1 0 0.0 --
2002 36 011 13.5 0 0.0 --
2001 31 731 30.5 1 0.0 0.0
2000 24 320 -- 1 0.0 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 06/jun/2024
Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
Note Naturalizations are only considered by residents in Austria.    The data for total acquisitions in 2020 has been reviewed by the responsible entity and amended by OEm as at 31/05/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Statistics AustriaNaturalisations and, for the Portuguese, information granted upor request.
A.6 Remittances , 2000-2023
(Euros, thousands)
Years Inward flows (thousand euros) (a) Outward flows (thousand euros) (b) Balance (a/b)
Change in Change in
2023 10 330 -15.0 290 45.0 36
2022 12 160 36.9 200 -13.0 61
2021 8 880 0.4 230 53.3 39
2020 8 840 -7.4 150 -25.0 59
2019 9 550 15.2 200 -25.9 48
2018 8 290 -4.8 270 3.8 31
2017 8 710 24.1 260 13.0 34
2016 7 020 -8.4 230 21.0 31
2015 7 660 5.7 190 0.0 40
2014 7 250 -20.9 190 -13.6 38
2013 9 170 18.6 220 15.8 42
2012 7 730 10.7 190 -13.6 41
2011 6 980 14.8 220 -12.0 32
2010 6 080 52.8 250 31.6 24
2009 3 980 10.9 190 -59.6 21
2008 3 590 -2.7 470 147.4 8
2007 3 690 159.9 190 -54.8 19
2006 1 420 36.5 420 40.0 3
2005 1 040 -69.4 300 25.0 3
2004 3 400 172.0 240 -33.3 14
2003 1 250 -35.2 360 -20.0 3
2002 1 930 11.6 450 221.4 4
2001 1 730 -10.4 140 600.0 12
2000 1 930 -- 20 -- 96
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Banco de PortugalBP stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes.
B. Census
B.1 Resident population by census and nationality, according to country of birth , 2011-2012
Nationality Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 8 396 651 100.0 1 309 090 100.0 1 634 100.0
Nationality of the destination country 7 461 953 88.9 515 969 39.4 209 12.8
Foreign nationality 934 698 11.1 793 121 60.6 1 425 87.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 06/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by nationality
Note ! Other situations or missing values: 5,289
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from União Europeia, Eurostat, 2011 census hub
B.2 Resident population by census and sex, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By sex Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 8 401 940 100.0 1 312 688 100 1 634 100
Female 4 308 002 51.3 686 570 52.3 695 42.5
Male 4 093 938 48.7 626 118 47.7 939 57.5
Total Population 8 032 926 100.0 1 003 399 100 950 100
Female 4 143 737 51.6 520 444 51.9 384 40.4
Male 3 889 189 48.4 482 955 48.1 566 59.6
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 06/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat2011 census hub
B.3 Resident population by census and age group, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By age group Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 8 401 940 100.0 1 312 688 14.8 1 634 0.0
-15 Years 1 227 690 14.6 73 861 5.6 137 8.4
15-39 Years 2 672 400 31.8 529 479 40.3 838 51.3
40-64 Years 3 009 737 35.8 525 580 40.0 586 35.9
65+ Years 1 492 113 17.8 183 768 14.0 73 4.5
Total Population 8 032 926 100.0 1 003 399 11.5 950 0.0
-15 Years 1 353 482 16.8 78 912 7.9 77 8.1
15-39 Years 2 868 918 35.7 413 938 41.3 606 63.8
40-64 Years 2 568 847 32.0 370 604 36.9 234 24.6
65+ Years 1 241 679 15.5 139 945 14.0 33 3.5
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 06/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat2011 census hub
B.5 Residents born in Portugal by labour force status , 2011-2012
By labour force status Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 8 401 940 100.0 1 312 688 100.0 1 634 100.0
Employed 4 019 408 47.8 649 191 49.5 850 52.0
Unemployed 252 147 3.0 76 879 5.9 81 5.0
Inactive 4 130 385 49.2 586 618 44.7 703 43.0
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 06/jun/2024
Residents born in Portugal by labour force status
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from União Europeia, Eurostat, 2011 census hub


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

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