A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 2000-2024
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2024 5 961 249 0.5 833 132 14.0 3.5 4 475 0.1 0.5 11.5
2023 5 932 654 1.0 804 881 13.6 7.8 4 013 0.1 0.5 9.8
2022 5 873 420 0.6 746 302 12.7 3.4 3 656 0.1 0.5 15.8
2021 5 840 045 0.3 721 660 12.4 0.7 3 156 0.1 0.4 4.1
2020 5 822 763 0.3 716 554 12.3 1.1 3 033 0.1 0.4 6.0
2019 5 806 081 0.4 708 581 12.2 2.5 2 862 0.0 0.4 6.7
2018 5 781 190 0.6 691 339 12.0 3.3 2 682 0.0 0.4 5.6
2017 5 748 769 0.7 668 981 11.6 4.9 2 541 0.0 0.4 3.4
2016 5 707 251 0.8 637 619 11.2 6.8 2 457 0.0 0.4 26.4
2015 5 659 715 0.6 596 721 10.6 4.6 1 943 0.0 0.3 18.5
2014 5 627 235 0.4 570 425 10.1 3.9 1 640 0.0 0.3 12.7
2013 5 602 628 0.4 549 049 9.8 3.2 1 455 0.0 0.3 12.3
2012 5 580 516 0.4 532 213 9.5 2.8 1 296 0.0 0.2 6.1
2011 5 560 628 0.5 517 943 9.3 3.3 1 221 0.0 0.2 6.4
2010 5 534 738 0.4 501 511 9.1 3.0 1 148 0.0 0.2 5.5
2009 5 511 451 0.6 486 786 8.8 5.0 1 088 0.0 0.2 10.0
2008 5 475 791 0.5 463 578 8.5 5.3 989 0.0 0.2 15.4
2007 5 447 084 0.4 440 384 8.1 2.9 857 0.0 0.2 10.2
2006 5 427 459 0.3 427 972 7.9 2.1 778 0.0 0.2 5.1
2005 5 411 405 0.3 418 996 7.8 1.7 740 0.0 0.2 3.4
2004 5 397 640 0.3 412 001 7.6 1.9 716 0.0 0.2 0.7
2003 5 383 507 0.3 404 189 7.5 2.8 711 0.0 0.2 1.4
2002 5 368 354 0.4 393 173 7.3 3.8 701 0.0 0.2 2.6
2001 5 349 212 0.4 378 865 7.1 3.6 683 0.0 0.2 4.0
2000 5 330 020 -- 365 863 6.9 -- 657 0.0 0.2 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Born in Portugal
Note Valuess refer to January 1st of the years indicated by the statistical institute. 
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of origin, sex and time" and "Population 1. January by country of birth, age and time".
A.1.1 Residents born in Portugal by sex, 2000-2024
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2024 4 475 1 978 44.2 2 497 55.8
2023 4 013 1 759 43.8 2 254 56.2
2022 3 656 1 575 43.1 2 081 56.9
2021 3 156 1 374 43.5 1 782 56.5
2020 3 033 1 335 44.0 1 698 56.0
2019 2 862 1 239 43.3 1 623 56.7
2018 2 682 1 183 44.1 1 499 55.9
2017 2 541 1 096 43.1 1 445 56.9
2016 2 457 999 40.7 1 458 59.4
2015 1 943 848 43.6 1 095 56.4
2014 1 640 773 47.1 867 52.9
2013 1 455 675 46.4 780 53.6
2012 1 296 601 46.4 695 53.6
2011 1 221 554 45.4 667 54.6
2010 1 148 505 44.0 643 56.0
2009 1 088 478 43.9 610 56.1
2008 989 433 43.8 556 56.2
2007 857 399 46.6 458 53.4
2006 778 362 46.5 416 53.5
2005 740 352 47.6 388 52.4
2004 716 345 48.2 371 51.8
2003 711 336 47.3 375 52.8
2002 701 333 47.5 368 52.5
2001 683 322 47.2 361 52.9
2000 657 308 46.9 349 53.1
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Note The values refer to 1 January of the years indicated by the statistical office.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of birth, sex and time".
A.1.2 Residents born in Portugal by age group, 2000-2024
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2024 4 475 590 13.2 2 467 55.1 1 244 27.8 174 3.9
2023 4 013 478 11.9 2 220 55.3 1 150 28.7 165 4.1
2022 3 656 393 10.8 2 011 55.0 1 084 29.6 168 4.6
2021 3 156 290 9.2 1 782 56.5 924 29.3 160 5.1
2020 3 033 251 8.3 1 792 59.1 830 27.4 160 5.3
2019 2 862 225 7.9 1 696 59.3 785 27.4 156 5.5
2018 2 682 205 7.6 1 610 60.0 717 26.7 150 5.6
2017 2 541 203 8.0 1 529 60.2 678 26.7 131 5.2
2016 2 457 186 7.6 1 430 58.2 719 29.3 122 5.0
2015 1 943 160 8.2 1 139 58.6 532 27.4 112 5.8
2014 1 640 120 7.3 991 60.4 424 25.9 105 6.4
2013 1 455 96 6.6 860 59.1 401 27.6 98 6.7
2012 1 296 80 6.2 739 57.0 375 28.9 102 7.9
2011 1 221 83 6.8 688 56.4 356 29.2 94 7.7
2010 1 148 72 6.3 649 56.5 339 29.5 88 7.7
2009 1 088 66 6.1 608 55.9 334 30.7 80 7.4
2008 989 66 6.7 534 54.0 315 31.9 74 7.5
2007 857 65 7.6 423 49.4 306 35.7 63 7.4
2006 778 56 7.2 366 47.0 299 38.4 57 7.3
2005 740 54 7.3 337 45.6 295 39.9 54 7.3
2004 716 55 7.7 331 46.2 281 39.2 49 6.8
2003 711 54 7.6 336 47.3 279 39.2 42 5.9
2002 701 52 7.4 346 49.4 265 37.8 38 5.4
2001 683 45 6.6 345 50.5 261 38.2 32 4.7
2000 657 43 6.6 334 50.8 252 38.4 28 4.3
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Note The values refer to 1 January of the years indicated by the statistical office.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of birth, age and time".
A.2 Foreign population, 2000-2024
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2024 5 961 249 0.5 649 994 10.9 4.6 4 161 0.1 0.5 9.8
2023 5 932 654 1.0 621 167 10.5 10.5 3 789 0.1 0.5 8.7
2022 5 873 420 0.6 562 248 9.6 4.2 3 486 0.1 0.5 13.6
2021 5 840 045 0.3 539 494 9.2 0.4 3 069 0.1 0.4 3.3
2020 5 822 763 0.3 537 122 9.2 2.1 2 970 0.1 0.4 5.8
2019 5 806 081 0.4 525 898 9.1 3.9 2 806 0.0 0.4 6.7
2018 5 781 190 0.6 505 992 8.8 4.3 2 630 0.0 0.4 6.6
2017 5 748 769 0.7 484 986 8.4 4.7 2 467 0.0 0.4 3.5
2016 5 707 251 0.8 463 147 8.1 9.6 2 383 0.0 0.4 27.4
2015 5 659 715 0.6 422 559 7.5 6.4 1 870 0.0 0.3 19.6
2014 5 627 235 0.4 397 300 7.1 6.0 1 563 0.0 0.3 12.6
2013 5 602 628 0.4 374 705 6.7 4.4 1 388 0.0 0.3 13.1
2012 5 580 516 0.4 358 858 6.4 3.7 1 227 0.0 0.2 6.1
2011 5 560 628 0.5 346 046 6.2 4.9 1 156 0.0 0.2 6.4
2010 5 534 738 0.4 329 940 6.0 3.0 1 086 0.0 0.2 4.9
2009 5 511 451 0.6 320 188 5.8 7.3 1 035 0.0 0.2 11.0
2008 5 475 791 0.5 298 490 5.5 7.3 932 0.0 0.2 15.1
2007 5 447 084 0.4 278 096 5.1 3.0 810 0.0 0.2 11.0
2006 5 427 459 0.3 270 051 5.0 0.9 730 0.0 0.2 4.0
2005 5 411 405 0.3 267 604 5.0 -1.3 702 0.0 0.2 2.9
2004 5 397 640 0.3 271 211 5.0 2.2 682 0.0 0.2 1.6
2003 5 383 507 0.3 265 424 4.9 -0.5 671 0.0 0.2 1.4
2002 5 368 354 0.4 266 729 5.0 3.1 662 0.0 0.2 2.3
2001 5 349 212 0.4 258 630 4.8 -0.3 647 0.0 0.2 4.7
2000 5 330 020 -- 259 361 4.9 -- 618 0.0 0.2 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note Valuess refer to January 1st of the years indicated by the statistical institute. 
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of origin, sex and time" and "Population 1. January by country of birth, age and time".
A.2.1 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex, 2000-2024
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2024 4 161 1 795 43.1 2 366 56.9
2023 3 789 1 627 43.0 2 162 57.1
2022 3 486 1 477 42.4 2 009 57.6
2021 3 069 1 311 42.7 1 758 57.3
2020 2 970 1 283 43.2 1 687 56.8
2019 2 806 1 195 42.6 1 611 57.4
2018 2 630 1 132 43.0 1 498 57.0
2017 2 467 1 037 42.0 1 430 58.0
2016 2 383 937 39.3 1 446 60.7
2015 1 870 796 42.6 1 074 57.4
2014 1 563 726 46.4 837 53.6
2013 1 388 631 45.5 757 54.5
2012 1 227 560 45.6 667 54.4
2011 1 156 514 44.5 642 55.5
2010 1 086 466 42.9 620 57.1
2009 1 035 442 42.7 593 57.3
2008 932 394 42.3 538 57.7
2007 810 364 44.9 446 55.1
2006 730 325 44.5 405 55.5
2005 702 322 45.9 380 54.1
2004 682 317 46.5 365 53.5
2003 671 304 45.3 367 54.7
2002 662 303 45.8 359 54.2
2001 647 295 45.6 352 54.4
2000 618 279 45.2 339 54.9
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex
Note The values refer to 1 January of the years indicated by the statistical office.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of origin, sex and time".
A.2.2 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group , 2000-2024
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
% of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2024 4 161 377 9.1 2 390 57.4 1 230 29.6 164 4.0
2023 3 789 348 9.2 2 149 56.7 1 135 30.0 157 4.2
2022 3 486 328 9.4 1 934 55.5 1 063 30.5 161 4.6
2021 3 069 301 9.8 1 712 55.8 901 29.4 155 5.1
2020 2 970 274 9.2 1 731 58.3 811 27.3 154 5.2
2019 2 806 255 9.1 1 634 58.2 766 27.3 151 5.4
2018 2 630 235 8.9 1 551 59.0 699 26.6 145 5.5
2017 2 467 213 8.6 1 470 59.6 655 26.6 129 5.2
2016 2 383 187 7.8 1 380 57.9 695 29.2 121 5.1
2015 1 870 156 8.4 1 091 58.4 511 27.3 112 6.0
2014 1 563 109 7.0 947 60.6 402 25.7 105 6.7
2013 1 388 92 6.6 823 59.3 375 27.0 98 7.1
2012 1 227 78 6.4 703 57.3 344 28.0 102 8.3
2011 1 156 79 6.8 657 56.8 326 28.2 94 8.1
2010 1 086 65 6.0 624 57.5 309 28.5 88 8.1
2009 1 035 61 5.9 589 56.9 305 29.5 80 7.7
2008 932 47 5.0 521 55.9 290 31.1 74 7.9
2007 810 42 5.2 418 51.6 287 35.4 63 7.8
2006 730 32 4.4 357 48.9 284 38.9 57 7.8
2005 702 36 5.1 331 47.2 281 40.0 54 7.7
2004 682 41 6.0 324 47.5 268 39.3 49 7.2
2003 671 37 5.5 325 48.4 267 39.8 42 6.3
2002 662 37 5.6 330 49.8 257 38.8 38 5.8
2001 647 34 5.3 327 50.6 254 39.3 32 5.0
2000 618 27 4.4 318 51.5 245 39.6 28 4.5
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by age group
Note The values refer to 1 January of the years indicated by the statistical office.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark, Population and elections, Population in Denmark, "Population 1. January by country of origin, age and time".
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2022
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total Change in
2022 3 943 4.7 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 3 766 4.3 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 3 610 16.8 -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 3 092 13.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2018 2 737 15.8 -- -- -- -- -- --
2017 2 363 4.5 -- -- -- -- -- --
2016 2 261 26.7 -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 1 784 2.8 -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 1 735 45.9 -- -- -- -- -- --
2012 1 189 12.4 701 59.0 16.2 1 185 99.7 12.4
2011 1 058 14.8 603 57.0 12.9 1 054 99.6 14.4
2010 922 1255.9 534 57.9 1425.7 921 99.9 1274.6
2009 68 300.0 35 51.5 288.9 67 98.5 294.1
2008 17 -- 9 53.0 -- 17 100.0 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 24/out/2023
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portuguese consulates abroad and Consular Management System (DGACCP), data granted upon request.
A.4 Foreign inflows , 2000-2023
Years Total inflows Portuguese inflows
N Change in N % of total Change in
2023 95 080 -19.4 1 818 1.9 0.3
2022 117 907 60.9 1 812 1.5 12.6
2021 73 274 8.4 1 609 2.2 66.2
2020 67 562 -16.3 968 1.4 13.6
2019 80 744 -3.8 852 1.1 11.4
2018 83 955 -2.5 765 0.9 19.2
2017 86 137 -5.3 642 0.8 -2.1
2016 90 961 -4.6 656 0.7 -30.1
2015 95 319 13.5 938 1.0 33.8
2014 84 011 11.2 701 0.8 41.3
2013 75 567 10.4 496 0.7 12.0
2012 68 459 2.9 443 0.6 36.3
2011 66 524 1.7 325 0.5 13.2
2010 65 386 1.2 287 0.4 -4.0
2009 64 634 -7.3 299 0.5 7.2
2008 69 737 15.0 279 0.4 5.3
2007 60 628 15.2 265 0.4 5.2
2006 52 638 8.9 252 0.5 22.9
2005 48 346 5.1 205 0.4 -1.4
2004 46 018 -0.3 208 0.5 22.4
2003 46 158 -6.2 170 0.4 -0.6
2002 49 193 -6.0 171 0.4 -19.0
2001 52 325 6.5 211 0.4 11.0
2000 49 111 -- 190 0.4 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Portuguese inflows
The series used by OEm was changed on 11/13/2017 and all values were revised.Será que quis dizer: A série utilizada pelo HOMEm foi alterada a 13/11/2017 e todos os valores foram revistos.
The series used by OEm was changed on 11/13/2017 and all values were revised.

Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank DenmarkPopulation and elections, Migrations, Migrations to and from Denmark, "Immigration by country of last residence, sex and time".
A.4.1 Portuguese inflows by sex , 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2023 1 818 714 39.3 1 104 60.7
2022 1 812 743 41.0 1 069 59.0
2021 1 609 557 34.6 1 052 65.4
2020 968 345 35.6 623 64.4
2019 852 325 38.2 527 61.9
2018 765 287 37.5 478 62.5
2017 642 235 36.6 407 63.4
2016 656 250 38.1 406 61.9
2015 938 251 26.8 687 73.2
2014 701 232 33.1 469 66.9
2013 496 235 47.4 261 52.6
2012 443 189 42.7 254 57.3
2011 325 170 52.3 155 47.7
2010 287 135 47.0 152 53.0
2009 299 124 41.5 175 58.5
2008 279 115 41.2 164 58.8
2007 265 101 38.1 164 61.9
2006 252 109 43.3 143 56.8
2005 205 83 40.5 122 59.5
2004 208 95 45.7 113 54.3
2003 170 71 41.8 99 58.2
2002 171 78 45.6 93 54.4
2001 211 99 46.9 112 53.1
2000 190 78 41.1 112 59.0
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Portuguese inflows by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank DenmarkPopulation and elections, Migrations, Migrations to and from Denmark, "Immigration by country of last residence, sex and time".
A.4.2 Portuguese inflows by age group , 2000-2023
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2023 1 818 223 12.3 1 213 66.7 364 20.0 18 1.0
2022 1 812 235 13.0 1 196 66.0 371 20.5 10 0.6
2021 1 609 164 10.2 1 072 66.6 361 22.4 12 0.8
2020 968 83 8.6 661 68.3 216 22.3 8 0.8
2019 852 63 7.4 638 74.9 144 16.9 7 0.8
2018 765 59 7.7 557 72.8 142 18.6 7 0.9
2017 642 33 5.2 481 74.9 119 18.5 9 1.4
2016 656 49 7.5 470 71.6 123 18.8 14 2.1
2015 938 46 4.9 565 60.2 319 34.0 8 0.9
2014 701 58 8.3 492 70.2 141 20.1 10 1.4
2013 496 44 8.9 394 79.4 58 11.7 0 0.0
2012 443 32 7.2 352 79.5 52 11.7 7 1.6
2011 325 25 7.7 250 76.9 45 13.8 5 1.5
2010 287 24 8.4 230 80.1 29 10.1 4 1.4
2009 299 26 8.7 229 76.6 38 12.7 6 2.0
2008 279 27 9.7 217 77.8 29 10.4 6 2.2
2007 265 15 5.7 214 80.8 31 11.7 5 1.9
2006 252 27 10.7 189 75.0 32 12.7 4 1.6
2005 205 17 8.3 161 78.5 24 11.7 3 1.5
2004 208 17 8.2 149 71.6 35 16.8 7 3.4
2003 170 15 8.8 126 74.1 17 10.0 12 7.1
2002 171 21 12.3 114 66.7 28 16.4 8 4.7
2001 211 38 18.0 136 64.5 29 13.8 8 3.8
2000 190 15 7.9 144 75.8 23 12.1 8 4.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable ;  [ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Portuguese inflows by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank DenmarkPopulation and elections, Migrations, Migrations to and from Denmark, "Immigration by country of last residence, sex and time".
A.5 Acquisition of citizenship of the destination country , 2000-2023
Years Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
N Change in N % of total Change in
2023 3 355 -34.8 5 0.2 -44.4
2022 5 149 -20.6 9 0.2 28.6
2021 6 483 -8.4 7 0.1 -72.0
2020 7 076 297.3 25 0.4 1150.0
2019 1 781 -37.2 2 0.1 -81.8
2018 2 836 -61.0 11 0.4 0.0
2017 7 272 -51.6 11 0.2 37.5
2016 15 028 234.1 8 0.1 --
2015 4 498 -6.0 0 0.0 --
2014 4 786 156.9 0 0.0 --
2013 1 863 -49.2 0 0.0 --
2012 3 671 -17.8 4 0.1 300.0
2011 4 467 16.5 1 0.0 -66.7
2010 3 833 -44.2 3 0.1 -25.0
2009 6 869 19.0 4 0.1 300.0
2008 5 772 -5.6 1 0.0 -50.0
2007 6 111 -23.2 2 0.0 -60.0
2006 7 961 -21.9 5 0.1 -37.5
2005 10 197 -31.9 8 0.1 -50.0
2004 14 976 127.5 16 0.1 700.0
2003 6 583 -60.5 2 0.0 -71.4
2002 16 662 40.1 7 0.0 600.0
2001 11 892 -38.5 1 0.0 -92.3
2000 19 323 -- 13 0.1 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 14/fev/2024
Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Denmark StatistikStatbank Denmark.
A.6 Remittances , 2000-2023
(Euros, thousands)
Years Inward flows (thousand euros) (a) Outward flows (thousand euros) (b) Balance (a/b)
N Change in N Change in
2023 2 730 -46.4 780 -43.9 4
2022 5 090 49.7 1 390 76.0 4
2021 3 400 -24.3 790 -14.1 4
2020 4 490 0.7 920 196.8 5
2019 4 460 15.5 310 -22.5 14
2018 3 860 -5.2 400 21.2 10
2017 4 070 -12.8 330 22.2 12
2016 4 670 26.9 270 -10.0 17
2015 3 680 12.9 300 0.0 12
2014 3 260 -45.8 300 87.5 11
2013 6 020 30.6 160 -23.8 38
2012 4 610 44.1 210 16.7 22
2011 3 200 -30.9 180 -72.7 18
2010 4 630 18.7 660 288.2 7
2009 3 900 18.9 170 54.6 23
2008 3 280 -3.8 110 10.0 30
2007 3 410 11.8 100 -90.0 34
2006 3 050 33.8 1 000 33.3 3
2005 2 280 -38.9 750 82.9 3
2004 3 730 18.0 410 -39.7 9
2003 3 160 -27.5 680 -37.6 5
2002 4 360 -41.5 1 090 81.7 4
2001 7 450 168.0 600 -- 12
2000 2 780 -- 0 -- n.d.
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Banco de PortugalBP stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes.
B. Census
B.1 Resident population by census and nationality, according to country of birth , 2011-2012
Nationality Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 5 556 851 100.0 499 401 100.0 1 221 100.0
Nationality of the destination country 5 214 582 93.8 209 872 42.0 317 26.0
Foreign nationality 342 269 6.2 289 529 58.0 904 74.0
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by nationality
Note ! Other situations or missing values: 3,777
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from União Europeia, Eurostat, 2011 census hub
B.2 Resident population by census and sex, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By sex Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 5 560 628 100.0 501 911 100 1 221 100
Female 2 804 046 50.4 259 763 51.8 554 45.4
Male 2 756 582 49.6 242 148 48.2 667 54.6
Total Population 5 349 212 100.0 357 094 100 683 100
Female 2 704 893 50.6 182 173 51.0 322 47.2
Male 2 644 319 49.4 174 921 49.0 361 52.9
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat2011 census hub
B.3 Resident population by census and age group, according to country of birth , 2001-2012
By age group Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 5 560 628 100.0 501 911 8.3 1 221 0.0
-15 Years 995 087 17.9 39 045 7.8 83 6.8
15-39 Years 1 737 854 31.3 247 254 49.3 688 56.4
40-64 Years 1 893 906 34.1 176 598 35.2 356 29.2
65+ Years 933 781 16.8 39 014 7.8 94 7.7
Total Population 5 349 212 100.0 357 094 5.9 683 0.0
-15 Years 994 513 18.6 42 034 11.8 45 6.6
15-39 Years 1 805 823 33.8 181 672 50.9 345 50.5
40-64 Years 1 757 048 32.8 107 535 30.1 261 38.2
65+ Years 791 828 14.8 25 853 7.2 32 4.7
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat2011 census hub
B.5 Residents born in Portugal by labour force status , 2011-2012
By labour force status Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 5 508 215 100.0 501 911 100.0 1 221 100.0
Employed 2 659 581 48.3 230 715 46.0 566 46.4
Unemployed 189 053 3.4 36 309 7.2 55 4.5
Inactive 2 659 581 48.3 234 887 46.8 600 49.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by labour force status
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from União Europeia, Eurostat, 2011 census hub


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074

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