In this latest revision of the estimates of international migration, not only have new figures been calculated for 2024, but the figures for the entire series published between 1990 and 2020 have also been significantly altered. This revision lowers the number of Portuguese emigrants in the world: in the 2020 estimates, the United Nations estimated that there were around 2.1 million, a figure that in 2024 drops to around 1.8 million. According to this revision, in 2024 the second highest number of Portuguese emigrants in the world was reached, with 2015 being the peak of the series (1,801,647). However, it must be taken into account that these variations are not always due to changes in population movements, but rather in the recording and estimation of these movements.
Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2025), “New estimates point to 1.8 million Portuguese emigrants in the world", Observatório da Emigração.