A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 2000-2022
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2022 9 689 010 -0.4 612 660 6.3 2.5 689 0.0 0.1 3.6
2021 9 730 772 -0.4 597 642 6.2 0.6 665 0.0 0.1 -2.1
2020 9 769 526 -0.0 594 270 6.1 5.2 679 0.0 0.1 11.3
2019 9 772 756 -0.1 565 127 5.8 5.4 610 0.0 0.1 2.9
2018 9 778 371 -0.2 536 182 5.5 4.3 593 0.0 0.1 11.9
2017 9 797 561 -0.3 514 127 5.2 2.0 530 0.0 0.1 1.9
2016 9 830 485 -0.3 504 302 5.1 5.9 520 0.0 0.1 11.8
2015 9 856 000 -0.2 476 080 4.8 6.4 465 0.0 0.1 7.1
2014 9 877 000 -0.3 447 657 4.5 5.5 434 0.0 0.1 18.6
2013 9 909 000 -0.2 424 192 4.3 5.3 366 0.0 0.1 21.2
2012 9 932 000 -0.5 402 691 4.1 -9.2 302 0.0 0.1 8.2
2011 9 986 000 -0.3 443 295 4.4 8.8 279 0.0 0.1 -1.8
2010 10 014 000 -0.2 407 322 4.1 3.3 284 0.0 0.1 13.2
2009 10 031 000 -0.1 394 234 3.9 3.3 251 0.0 0.1 31.4
2008 10 045 000 -0.2 381 781 3.8 10.8 191 0.0 0.1 22.4
2007 10 066 000 -0.1 344 600 3.4 4.0 156 0.0 0.0 --
2006 10 077 000 -0.2 331 493 3.3 3.9 -- -- -- --
2005 10 098 000 -0.2 319 000 3.2 3.6 -- -- -- --
2004 10 117 000 -0.2 307 817 3.0 1.7 -- -- -- --
2003 10 142 000 -0.3 302 750 3.0 0.9 -- -- -- --
2002 10 175 000 -0.2 300 069 3.0 1.9 -- -- -- --
2001 10 200 000 -0.2 294 573 2.9 1.8 -- -- -- --
2000 10 222 000 -- 289 294 2.8 -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 16/jan/2024
Born in Portugal
Note The data of total foreign born and foreign resident for 2019 has been rectified by the responsible entity and amended by OEm on 03/03/2022.
A.1.1 Residents born in Portugal by sex, 2007-2022
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2022 689 276 40.1 413 60.0
2021 665 262 39.4 403 60.6
2020 679 271 39.9 408 60.1
2019 610 245 40.2 365 59.8
2018 593 243 41.0 350 59.0
2017 530 217 41.0 313 59.1
2016 520 214 41.2 306 58.8
2015 465 184 39.6 281 60.4
2014 434 174 40.1 260 59.9
2013 366 144 39.4 222 60.7
2012 302 119 39.4 183 60.6
2011 279 117 41.9 162 58.1
2010 284 109 38.4 175 61.6
2009 251 109 43.4 142 56.6
2008 191 73 38.2 118 61.8
2007 156 73 46.8 83 53.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 16/jan/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from OCDE, Data by Theme, Demography and Population – Migration Statistics, International Migration Database.
A.2 Foreign population, 2000-2022
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2022 9 689 010 -0.4 202 525 2.1 4.1 675 0.0 0.1 6.8
2021 9 730 772 -0.4 194 491 2.0 -2.7 632 0.0 0.1 -2.6
2020 9 769 526 -0.0 199 957 2.0 10.6 649 0.0 0.1 13.9
2019 9 772 756 -0.1 180 773 1.8 11.9 570 0.0 0.1 5.2
2018 9 778 371 -0.2 161 549 1.7 6.9 542 0.0 0.1 15.6
2017 9 797 561 -0.3 151 132 1.6 -3.5 469 0.0 0.1 3.3
2016 9 830 485 -0.3 156 606 1.6 7.3 454 0.0 0.1 14.9
2015 9 856 000 -0.2 145 968 1.5 3.9 395 0.0 0.1 7.6
2014 9 877 000 -0.3 140 536 1.4 -0.6 367 0.0 0.1 24.0
2013 9 909 000 -0.2 141 357 1.4 -1.4 296 0.0 0.1 27.6
2012 9 932 000 -0.5 143 361 1.4 -31.5 232 0.0 0.1 7.4
2011 9 986 000 -0.3 209 202 2.1 5.8 216 0.0 0.0 21.4
2010 10 014 000 -0.2 197 819 2.0 7.3 178 0.0 0.0 39.1
2009 10 031 000 -0.1 184 358 1.8 5.5 128 0.0 0.0 56.1
2008 10 045 000 -0.2 174 697 1.7 5.2 82 0.0 0.0 -12.8
2007 10 066 000 -0.1 166 030 1.6 7.5 94 0.0 0.0 --
2006 10 077 000 -0.2 154 430 1.5 8.6 -- -- -- --
2005 10 098 000 -0.2 142 153 1.4 9.3 -- -- -- --
2004 10 117 000 -0.2 130 109 1.3 12.3 -- -- -- --
2003 10 142 000 -0.3 115 888 1.2 -0.5 -- -- -- --
2002 10 175 000 -0.2 116 429 1.2 5.8 -- -- -- --
2001 10 200 000 -0.2 110 028 1.1 -28.1 -- -- -- --
2000 10 222 000 -- 153 125 1.5 -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 16/jan/2024
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note The data of total foreign born and foreign resident for 2019 has been rectified by the responsible entity and amended by OEm on 03/03/2022.
A.2.1 Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex, 2007-2022
Years All foreign-born Female Male
N N % of total N % of total
2022 675 261 38.7 414 61.3
2021 632 232 36.7 400 63.3
2020 649 241 37.1 408 62.9
2019 570 207 36.3 363 63.7
2018 542 206 38.0 336 62.0
2017 469 179 38.2 290 61.8
2016 454 173 38.1 281 61.9
2015 395 142 36.0 253 64.1
2014 367 132 36.0 235 64.0
2013 296 103 34.8 193 65.2
2012 232 81 34.9 151 65.1
2011 216 81 37.5 135 62.5
2010 178 62 34.8 116 65.2
2009 128 41 32.0 87 68.0
2008 82 27 32.9 55 67.1
2007 94 28 29.8 66 70.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 16/jan/2024
Resident population with Portuguese citizenship by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from OCDE, Data by Theme, Demography and Population – Migration Statistics, International Migration Database.
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2022
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in % of total Change in % of total Change in
2022 314 18.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 266 1673.3 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 15 -97.6 -- -- -- -- -- --
2018 620 110.2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 295 264.2 -- -- -- -- -- --
2010 81 -6.9 -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 87 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 24/out/2023
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portuguese consulates abroad and Consular Management System (DGACCP), values granted upon request.
A.4 Foreign inflows , 2000-2022
Years Total inflows Portuguese inflows
N Change in N % of total Change in
2022 55 514 13.1 101 0.2 -18.6
2021 49 069 12.1 124 0.3 -3.9
2020 43 785 -20.8 129 0.3 29.0
2019 55 297 12.1 100 0.2 -2.9
2018 49 312 35.3 103 0.2 -4.6
2017 36 453 53.1 108 0.3 17.4
2016 23 803 -7.7 92 0.4 7.0
2015 25 787 -0.8 86 0.3 34.4
2014 26 004 22.4 64 0.2 -16.9
2013 21 250 4.5 77 0.4 13.2
2012 20 340 -9.7 68 0.3 0.0
2011 22 514 -5.7 68 0.3 88.9
2010 23 884 -6.6 36 0.2 -26.5
2009 25 582 -28.0 49 0.2 -29.0
2008 35 547 57.2 69 0.2 590.0
2007 22 607 -4.1 10 0.0 233.3
2006 23 569 -7.9 3 0.0 -88.0
2005 25 582 15.4 25 0.1 1150.0
2004 22 164 14.4 2 0.0 -60.0
2003 19 365 7.8 5 0.0 -66.7
2002 17 972 -11.5 15 0.1 87.5
2001 20 308 0.6 8 0.0 60.0
2000 20 184 -- 5 0.0 --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 10/ago/2023
Portuguese inflows
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Hungarian Central Statistical OfficeDissemination database, International migration, Migration of foreign citizens.
A.4.1 Portuguese inflows by sex , 2001-2022
Years All foreign-born Female Male
% of total N % of total
2022 101 50 49.5 51 50.5
2021 124 55 44.4 69 55.6
2020 129 41 31.8 88 68.2
2019 100 44 44.0 56 56.0
2018 103 30 29.1 73 70.9
2017 108 41 38.0 67 62.0
2016 92 33 35.9 59 64.1
2015 86 39 45.4 47 54.7
2014 64 20 31.2 44 68.8
2013 77 32 41.6 45 58.4
2012 68 22 32.4 46 67.6
2011 68 22 32.4 46 67.6
2010 36 18 50.0 18 50.0
2009 49 20 40.8 29 59.2
2008 69 15 21.7 54 78.3
2007 10 7 70.0 3 30.0
2006 3 1 33.3 2 66.7
2005 25 9 36.0 16 64.0
2004 2 1 50.0 1 50.0
2003 5 2 40.0 3 60.0
2002 15 8 53.3 7 46.7
2001 8 5 62.5 3 37.5
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 10/ago/2023
Portuguese inflows by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Hungarian Central Statistical OfficeDissemination database, International migration, Migration of foreign citizens.
A.4.2 Portuguese inflows by age group , 2001-2022
Years All foreign-born < 15 15-39 40-64 > 65
N N % of total N % of total N % of total N % of total
2022 101 9 8.9 72 71.3 16 15.8 4 4.0
2021 124 1 0.8 104 83.9 18 14.5 1 0.8
2020 129 5 3.9 98 76.0 21 16.3 5 3.9
2019 100 4 4.0 87 87.0 8 8.0 1 1.0
2018 103 3 2.9 82 79.6 16 15.5 2 2.0
2017 108 4 3.7 96 88.9 8 7.4 0 0.0
2016 92 4 4.4 73 79.4 15 16.3 0 0.0
2015 86 3 3.5 72 83.7 10 11.6 1 1.2
2014 64 3 4.7 53 82.8 8 12.5 0 0.0
2013 77 7 9.1 62 80.5 8 10.4 0 0.0
2012 68 0 0.0 64 94.1 4 5.9 0 0.0
2011 68 0 0.0 65 95.6 3 4.4 0 0.0
2010 36 1 2.8 29 80.6 6 16.7 0 0.0
2009 49 0 0.0 45 91.8 4 8.2 0 0.0
2008 69 3 4.4 50 72.5 15 21.7 1 1.4
2007 10 2 20.0 7 70.0 1 10.0 0 0.0
2006 3 0 0.0 3 100.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
2005 25 2 8.0 20 80.0 3 12.0 0 0.0
2004 2 0 0.0 1 50.0 1 50.0 0 0.0
2003 5 0 0.0 4 80.0 0 0.0 1 20.0
2002 15 3 20.0 8 53.3 4 26.7 0 0.0
2001 8 0 0.0 7 87.5 1 12.5 0 0.0
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable ;  [ e ]EstimateLast update: 10/ago/2023
Portuguese inflows by age group
Note In the Hungarian case the age groups in the table do not correspond to the statistical information provided. The group "40 to 64" includes information on persons aged between 40 and 59, and the age group "> 65" actually refers to all those aged over 60.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Hungarian Central Statistical OfficeDissemination database, International migration, Migration of foreign citizens.
A.5 Acquisition of citizenship of the destination country , 2000-2019
Years Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
N Change in N % of total Change in
2019 3 255 -7.2 1 0.0 --
2018 3 508 25.9 -- -- --
2017 2 787 -35.4 -- -- --
2016 4 315 6.6 1 0.0 --
2015 4 048 -53.7 0 0.0 --
2014 8 745 -4.7 1 0.0 0.0
2013 9 178 -50.1 1 0.0 -50.0
2012 18 379 -10.6 2 0.0 --
2011 20 554 237.7 -- -- --
2010 6 086 4.9 -- -- --
2009 5 802 -28.4 -- -- --
2008 8 104 -4.0 -- -- --
2007 8 442 36.8 -- -- --
2006 6 172 -37.5 -- -- --
2005 9 870 81.7 -- -- --
2004 5 432 3.2 -- -- --
2003 5 261 56.2 -- -- --
2002 3 369 -60.8 -- -- --
2001 8 590 14.0 -- -- --
2000 7 538 -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 03/mar/2022
Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from OECD, Data by Theme, Demography and Population – Migration Statistics, International Migration Database
A.6 Remittances , 2000-2023
(Euros, thousands)
Years Inward flows (thousand euros) (a) Outward flows (thousand euros) (b) Balance (a/b)
Change in Change in
2023 370 -5.1 2 440 29.1 0.16
2022 390 85.7 1 890 -24.1 0.21
2021 210 -55.3 2 490 189.5 0.09
2020 470 -2.1 860 41.0 0.55
2019 480 20.0 610 13.0 0.79
2018 400 -42.0 540 -28.0 0.75
2017 690 11.3 750 47.1 0.92
2016 620 -10.1 510 -8.9 1.22
2015 690 -16.9 560 -12.5 1.24
2014 830 22.1 640 -52.6 1.30
2013 680 54.6 1 350 60.7 0.51
2012 440 15.8 840 -9.7 0.53
2011 380 26.7 930 4.5 0.41
2010 300 11.1 890 14.1 0.34
2009 270 28.6 780 20.0 0.35
2008 210 -12.5 650 47.7 0.33
2007 240 166.7 440 -29.0 0.55
2006 90 -18.2 620 55.0 0.15
2005 110 10.0 400 11.1 0.28
2004 100 11.1 360 -16.3 0.28
2003 90 -35.7 430 -6.5 0.21
2002 140 180.0 460 -41.0 0.31
2001 50 66.7 780 -36.1 0.07
2000 30 -- 1 220 -- 0.03
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Banco de PortugalBP stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes.
B. Census
B.2 Resident population by census and sex, according to country of birth , 2001-2002
By sex Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 10 198 315 100.0 292 937 100 28 100
Female 5 347 665 52.4 162 295 55.4 8 28.6
Male 4 850 650 47.6 130 642 44.6 20 71.4
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by sex
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat.
B.3 Resident population by census and age group, according to country of birth , 2001-2002
By age group Total Population Foreign-born Born in Portugal
N % N % N %
Total Population 10 198 315 100.0 292 937 2.7 28 0.0
-15 Years 1 694 936 16.6 17 437 6.0 4 14.3
15-39 Years 3 574 493 35.0 99 683 34.0 15 53.6
40-64 Years 3 382 636 33.2 98 908 33.8 7 25.0
65+ Years 1 546 250 15.2 76 909 26.3 2 7.2
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev/2024
Residents born in Portugal by age group
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from European Union, Eurostat


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
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