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OEm Working Papers
The OEm Working Papers provide preliminary results of research on Portuguese emigration arising from research projects, dissertations, doctoral theses or other scientific activities. Its publication aims to stimulate research-supported debates on migration issues. Comments on the published texts and new edition proposals are welcome. The OEm Working Papers are subject to expert peer review (peer review) and have an international scope, being defined, as publication languages, Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian.+

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Coordination  Claúdia Pereira
Periodicity  Biannual
ISSN  2183-5438 (online)
Diogo Queijo
This paper offers a critical analysis of the figures on the Portuguese population in Macau during the period 1800-1850, available in a series of tables called “population maps”. These “maps” are of irregular periodicity, starting in 1803 and ending in 1849. Their study makes it possible to identify the evolution of the Portuguese population by sex and thus assess the balance between men and women in that territory. The period is characterized by a reduced growth of the Portuguese population, but a considerable increase in the masculinity ratio.
Francisco Esteves
The early 1960s marked a change in the typology of Portuguese emigration, characterized by a shift of the migratory flow to the European continent, featuring France as its main destination. Within the vast literature on Portuguese emigration to France, the lack of studies focused on the Portuguese communities of Alsace prompted the elaboration of a paper on the Portuguese in Colmar. This paper constitutes a first attempt at drafting the organization of the Portuguese community in its early times.
Mariana Guerra
After decades of invisibility, the Portuguese emigration went back to be the center of attention, due to the exponential growth in the number of departures, since the 2010 decade. Regarding this new emigratory reality, this study tries to find the determinants of the Portuguese emigrants’ integration process. To do so, a quantitative analysis was carried on, based on data from the REMIGR research project, which provided a look over the influence of each factor in integration process, with the factors being: age, gender, qualifications, social capital, years of residence and official language of the destination country.
Raquel Xavier Rocha, Jennifer McGarrigle e Alina Esteves
The Brexit process has brought uncertainty into the future migration of European Union migrants living in the United Kingdom. This research aims to explore the representations that Portuguese emigrants residing in the United Kingdom made about leaving the country from the European Union and how Brexit changed their migratory aspirations. Those Portuguese outlined their future in the context of a lack of assurance about future rights of residence in the country and, despite the annual income, education and length of residence of these citizens, have proved crucial in how they experience and react. Brexit did not change the migrants' aspirations and future life plans in the UK. Although responsible for a feeling of insecurity within this community, the little interference of Brexit in respondents' migratory plans reveals that this is a net mobility.
Paula Caldinhas
The mobility of health professionals in the countries of the European Union is part of the phenomenon of globalization, with the increase in international and intercontinental migratory flows of goods and people. In this context of expanding the circulation of professionals and health services between the countries of the European Union, this study focuses on the mobility of health professionals in European countries, and aims to study the effects of professional mobility on the organizational and professional culture of health institutions. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted with semi-structured individual interviews with health professionals recruited for convenience, from Portugal and currently established in European countries, with thematic analysis of the data obtained, according to the categories previously defined according to the published literature on the subject: reasons, advantages and disadvantages, barriers, differences observed between services and institutions.
Alexandra Rosa Ferro
This article presents the main conclusions of a study on migrant identity discourses of two distinct migratory waves: A first wave consideres the arrival of Portuguese emigrants into the United Kingdom in the 1980s and 1990s, with a lower level of schooling, and with a mode of incorporation centered on ethnicity and another, coming after 2000, younger and with higher levels of schooling, that rejects the modes of incorporation of the previous generation. It is based on interviews with Portuguese emigrants living in London in 2016.
João Vasco Coelho
Managing and performing work in international settings brought new interaction conditions to both individuals and organizations, and to the way organizations are managed. This paper presents organizational expatriations as specific global work contexts that compose particular conditions for individual action. It is suggested that it is a context that fosters individual and social differentiation, allowing the personalization of ascribed social and organizational roles performance. Using secondary data and repatriation management case study results as reference, the “re-entry shock” is used as empirical reference to illustrate the disjunctive socialization frame that can be composed by contemporary organizational expatriation practices.
Sónia Ferreira
This text makes a brief characterization of the social media produced by Portuguese emigrants and their descendants. However, a descriptive and chronological analysis is not carried out, but in order to look at this reality in a problematic way, questions that, for this purpose, are identified as structural. The discussion based on these questions is illustrated with examples from a variety of empirical contexts, notably from France, Canada, and Brazil.
José Carlos Marques
This paper is a preliminary study of Portuguese entrepreneurs abroad, focused on the case of the Portuguese in Luxembourg. We characterize, in the first part, the evolution of Portuguese emigration to that country and their integration into the labour market. In the second part we analyse the entrepreneurial activities of Portuguese emigrants and analyse different factors that impact on the creation and development of entrepreneurial practices among Portuguese abroad.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074


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