Paula Caldinhas
The mobility of health professionals in the countries of the European Union is part of the phenomenon of globalization, with the increase in international and intercontinental migratory flows of goods and people. In this context of expanding the circulation of professionals and health services between the countries of the European Union, this study focuses on the mobility of health professionals in European countries, and aims to study the effects of professional mobility on the organizational and professional culture of health institutions. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted with semi-structured individual interviews with health professionals recruited for convenience, from Portugal and currently established in European countries, with thematic analysis of the data obtained, according to the categories previously defined according to the published literature on the subject: reasons, advantages and disadvantages, barriers, differences observed between services and institutions.
Series OEm Working-Paper Number 5 Date December 2019 Pages 28 ISSN 2183-5438 (online) DOI 10.15847/CIESOEMWP052019 URI Keywords Organization, culture, health, professional, mobility, retention, resources. Índice Índice de quadros. Introdução. Objetivos. Metodologia. Caracterização dos participantes. Discussão dos resultados. Notas finais. Referências bibliográficas. Cite as Caldinhas, Paula (2019), “As instituições de saúde e sua cultura organizacional: um estudo qualitativo sobre a mobilidade de profissionais de saúde portugueses em países da União Europeia”, OEm Working-Paper, 5, Lisboa, Observatório da Emigração, CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOEMWP052019
* Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.