A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 1990-2020
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2020 43 733 759 -0.6 4 997 387 11.4 0.7 -- -- -- --
2019 43 993 638 3.7 4 964 293 11.3 0.0 -- -- -- --
2017 42 414 900 -0.4 4 964 293 11.7 -- -- -- -- --
2016 42 590 900 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 42 759 700 -5.5 4 915 142 11.5 -- -- -- -- --
2014 45 245 900 -0.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2013 45 372 700 -0.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2012 45 453 300 -0.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2011 45 598 200 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2010 45 782 600 -0.4 4 818 767 10.5 -- -- -- -- --
2009 45 963 400 -0.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 46 192 300 -0.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2007 46 465 700 -0.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2006 46 749 200 -0.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2005 47 100 500 -0.7 5 050 302 10.7 -- -- -- -- --
2004 47 442 100 -0.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2003 47 823 100 -0.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2002 48 240 900 -0.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2001 48 663 600 -1.6 272 866 0.6 -95.1 38 0.0 0.0 --
2000 49 429 800 -3.6 5 527 087 11.2 -- -- -- -- --
1995 51 300 400 -0.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1990 51 556 500 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 28/nov./2022
Born in Portugal
Note There will be residents of this country who are counted as "born abroad" and / or "foreign nationality" because they were born or are descended from residents in other republics of the former USSR before it was divided in 1991. Therefore, there are values that indicate more the geopolitical change rather than the trend of immigration, since before 1991 the former USSR included 15 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. The figures for the total population refer to 1 January of the year indicated by the statistical institute. Data on the total population in 2015 and 2016 do not include the occupied territory of the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (total population and data from 2001, census); United Nations Statistics Division (2017), United Nations Statistics Division (2019) and United Nations Statistics Division (other data) (the UN figures are estimates).
A.2 Foreign population, 1990-2020
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in N % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2020 43 733 759 -0.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 43 993 638 3.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2017 42 414 900 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2016 42 590 900 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 42 759 700 -5.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 45 245 900 -0.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2013 45 372 700 -0.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2012 45 453 300 -0.3 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2011 45 598 200 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2010 45 782 600 -0.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2009 45 963 400 -0.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 46 192 300 -0.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2007 46 465 700 -0.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2006 46 749 200 -0.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2005 47 100 500 -0.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2004 47 442 100 -0.8 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2003 47 823 100 -0.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2002 48 240 900 -0.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2001 48 663 600 -1.6 17 334 0.0 -- 6 0.0 0.0 --
2000 49 429 800 -3.6 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1995 51 300 400 -0.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1990 51 556 500 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 28/nov./2022
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note There will be residents of this country who are counted as "born abroad" and / or "foreign nationality" because they were born or are descended from residents in other republics of the former USSR before it was divided in 1991. Therefore, there are values that indicate more the geopolitical change rather than the trend of immigration, since before 1991 the former USSR included 15 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. The figures for the total population refer to 1 January of the year indicated by the statistical institute. Data on the total population in 2015 and 2016 do not include the occupied territory of the Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from State Statistics Committee of Ukraine (total population and data from 2001, census); United Nations Statistics Division (2017), United Nations Statistics Division (2019) and United Nations Statistics Division (other data) (the UN figures are estimates).
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2022
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in % of total Change in % of total Change in
2022 502 0.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2021 502 36.8 -- -- -- -- -- --
2020 367 27.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 289 30.8 -- -- -- -- -- --
2018 221 636.7 -- -- -- -- -- --
2014 30 3.4 -- -- -- -- -- --
2009 29 107.1 -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 24/out./2023
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Portuguese consulates abroad and Consular Management System (DGACCP), values granted upon request.
A.4 Foreign inflows , 2003-2019
Years Total inflows Portuguese inflows
N Change in N % of total Change in
2019 45 011 -16.8 62 0.1 --
2013 54 100 -29.2 -- -- --
2012 76 361 141.0 -- -- --
2011 31 684 2.8 -- -- --
2010 30 810 -6.4 -- -- --
2009 32 917 -11.7 -- -- --
2008 37 281 -19.8 -- -- --
2007 46 507 5.2 -- -- --
2006 44 227 11.7 -- -- --
2005 39 580 2.6 -- -- --
2004 38 567 -2.3 -- -- --
2003 39 489 -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 03/set./2020
Portuguese inflows
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from State Statistics Committee of Ukraine.
A.6 Remittances , 2000-2023
(Euros, thousands)
Years Inward flows (thousand euros) (a) Outward flows (thousand euros) (b) Balance (a/b)
Change in Change in
2023 0 -- 10 620 -6.2 n.d.
2022 340 61.9 11 320 -35.4 0.04
2021 210 -22.2 17 520 7.0 0.02
2020 270 92.9 16 380 9.9 0.02
2019 140 27.3 14 910 -14.0 0.01
2018 110 -21.4 17 340 8.1 0.01
2017 140 55.6 16 040 28.6 0.01
2016 90 -74.3 12 470 -17.8 0.01
2015 350 -59.8 15 170 -12.0 0.03
2014 870 117.5 17 230 -45.0 0.06
2013 400 25.0 31 320 -19.9 0.02
2012 320 45.4 39 090 -20.1 0.01
2011 220 15.8 48 940 -2.5 0.01
2010 190 -29.6 50 200 2.4 0.01
2009 270 237.5 49 040 -0.1 0.01
2008 80 33.3 49 100 -3.1 0.01
2007 60 500.0 50 680 -11.2 0.01
2006 10 -80.0 57 080 -9.9 0.01
2005 50 150.0 63 340 -0.4 0.01
2004 20 0.0 63 560 -31.5 0.01
2003 20 -66.7 92 740 -31.1 0.01
2002 60 100.0 134 550 -9.2 0.01
2001 30 -- 148 220 6858.7 0.01
2000 0 -- 2 130 -- n.d.
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 20/fev./2024
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Banco de PortugalBP stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes.
B. Census


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

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