Home / Highlights / 2023
Less than 400 Portuguese emigrated to Angola in 2021
Inês Vidigal
There were 381 Portuguese who entered Angola in 2021, according to the consulates of the Republic of Angola in Lisbon and Porto (information on visas issued by the Angola consulate in Faro is not available). This number represents an increase of 1% when compared to the previous year. +

After a maximum of 6,715 entries into Angolan territory in 2015, the number of Portuguese emigrants to Angola fell significantly to a minimum in a pandemic year, 2020 (377 entries), with a small increase in 2021. This drop will be, on the one hand, associated to the effects of the pandemic on the restriction of mobility that occurred during 2020 and 2021 and, on the other, to the effects of the economic recovery in Portugal have been added the recessive effects of the oil price crisis on the Angolan labour market of immigration, felt more intensely from 2016. The values used in this highlight correspond to the sum of the following types of visas issued by the consulates of Angola in Oporto and in Lisbon: privileged, work (the most common), work by protocol, fixation of residence and others (study and temporary stay).





Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2023), “Less than 400 Portuguese emigrated to Angola in 2021", Observatório da Emigraçãohttp://observatorioemigracao.pt/np4EN/9236.html


[By Inês Vidigal]

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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