Home / Highlights / 2023
Portuguese emigration to Iceland reaches second highest value of century
Inês Vidigal
There were 360 Portuguese people who, in 2022, entered Iceland, according to data from Statistics Iceland. This Icelandic body counted a total of 15,438 foreign entries in the country, with the Portuguese accounting for 2.3% of immigration that year. +

After the slight growth in the number of Portuguese arrivals in Iceland in 2021, in 2022 emigration to this country increased again, with 360 Portuguese arrivals, which corresponded to an increase of 76.5% compared to 2021, the second highest value of the century. Between 2000 and 2022, the number of Portuguese entering Iceland registered its minimum in 2002 (seven entries) and its maximum in 2004 (520 entries). Portuguese emigration to Iceland started abruptly in 2004, representing in that year more than one fifth of the foreigners' arrivals into the country. Since then, the variations in the volume of immigration in that country have accompanied the variations in the Icelandic economy: higher entries in the years of the economic and financial boom in the beginning of the century, retraction with the financial crisis of 2008 and recovery in line with the economic upturn initiated in 2011. 






Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2023), “Portuguese emigration to Iceland reaches second highest value of century”, Observatório da Emigraçãohttp://observatorioemigracao.pt/np4EN/9185.html


[By Inês Vidigal]

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
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