Home / Highlights / 2021
Portuguese inflows into Norway are the lowest since 2010
Inês Vidigal
According to Statistics Norway data, in 2020 344 Portuguese entered the country. That statistical institute counted a total of 30,819 entries of foreigners in Norwegian territory, with the Portuguese representing 1.1% of this total. +

This is the second consecutive year in which the number of entries into Norway decreases (-4% in 2019 and -20.4% in 2020), after the growth that had been recorded in 2018. However, the decrease of Portuguese nationals is less than the fall in total entries into the country (-30.9%), and therefore the weight of Portuguese nationals in total entries has increased in 2020. Portuguese emigration to Norway is a recent phenomenon, with a peak in 2013, following accelerated growth since 2010. However, Portuguese emigration to Norway still represents a very small fraction of immigration in this country (1.1%).





Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2021), “Portuguese inflows into Norway are the lowest since 2010”, Observatório da Emigraçãohttp://observatorioemigracao.pt/np4EN/8040.html


[By Inês Vidigal]

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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