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Permanent inflows
Number of emigrants entering a foreign country in a given year and worked or lived there for a period of at least 12 months, being accounted in the year of arrival. Strictly speaking, this number refers to the inflow (immigration). In this website and in the periodical publications of the Observatory, the number of Portuguese' entries in foreign countries in a year is the indicator of the number of Portuguese who left Portugal that year to the country of destination (emigration, outflow). +

Angola  In the case of Angola, the number of visas granted to Portuguese is used as an indicator of the entries. The figures for 2009 are not directly comparable to those for 2013 and 2014 due to changes in visa typology and the inclusion of visas issued by the Angolan Migration and Foreigners Service (in addition to those issued by the Angolan consulates in Portugal). The values of 2013 and 2014 correspond to the sum of the following types of visas issued by the consulates of Angola in Oporto and Lisbon, for Portuguese in situations of emigration: privileged, work (the most common), work by protocol, residence fixation and others (study and temporary stay). Information unavailable on visas issued by the consulate of Angola in Faro. The number of visas was granted on request. Source 2013-2015: Consulado-Geral da República de Angola em Lisboa; ConsuladoGeral da República de Angola no Porto. [LINK][LINK]

Australia  Includes immigrants from the sea and land. Permanent immigrants include permanent visa holders and temporary visa holders who wish to remain in the country. Source 2004-2016: Department of Immigration and Border Proteccion. [LINK]

Austria  Includes foreigners with residence permits residing in the country for a minimum period of three months. Source 2002-2016: Statistik Austria. [LINK]

Belgium  It includes foreigners with a residence permit and which intend to stay in the country for a period equal to or greater than three months. Source 2000-2015: OECD, International Migration Database, dados baseados na Direction Générale Statistique et Information Économique Belge. [LINK]

Brazil  Foreigners with work permits granted to foreigners by country of origin are registered. By permanent category (equal or superior to 1 year) and temporary. Permanent work permits are indexed to minimum periods of one year and temporary work permits to periods of employment contract (which may be more or less than one year). Source 2004-2015: Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Coordenação Geral de Imigração (CGIg): autorizações concedidas a estrangeiros por país de origem. [LINK] 

Canada  Foreigners holding a permanent resident status. Source 2000-2016: Citizenship and Immigration Canada: permanent residents by source country. [LINK] 

China (Macau)  Source 2007-2016: Directorate of Statistics and Census Service - Government of Macao SAR. [LINK]

Denmark  Foreign nationals residing legally in Denmark for a period of at least one year. Source 2000-2016: Denmark Statistik. [LINK]

France  Specific survey, in which estimate is based on the result of annual census survey sample of France. Since 2004 the new method is based in the following sample of lodgings: for the small departments (less than 10.000 habitants) one in five is registered, for the big departments a sample of 8% is registered every year. Source 2012-2013: Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques: les immigrés récemment arrivés en France. [LINK] [LINK]

Germany  All foreigners registered, each year, at the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister) if they stay in Germany for more than ninety days. Foreigners from outside EU hold a resident permit. The total foreign inflows include the number of foreigners born in Germany in the year in question. Source 2001-2004: OECD, International Migration Database, dados baseados na Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. Fonte 2000 e 2005-2016: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland: Ausländische Bevölkerung, Ausländische Bevölkerung Fachserie 1 Reihe 2, 2016. [LINK][LINK]

Ireland  Estimates refer to foreigners residing in the country during the investigation who have been living in another country a year earlier. Source 2006-2015: Eurostat, Immigration by five year age group, sex and citizenship. [LINK]

Italy Foreigners holding a residence permit (short-term and long-term). Long-term resident permits for EU citizens (more than 3 months) is granted for one or two years, according to the reason for permanence in Italy, renewable at the end of the expiration date. Source 2000-2015: Eurostat, Statistics Database: Immigration by five year age group, sex and citizenship. [LINK]

Luxembourg  Foreigners who arrived the country, holding a resident permit and intending to stay for at least 3 months. Source 2000-2016: Le Portail des statistiques du Luxembourg: arrivées, 1967-2016. [LINK]

Netherlands  For EU citizens arriving in the Netherlands from another country with the intention of staying in the country for at least four months during the first six months following, registration is obligatory at the municipality where they are staying. Foreigners from outside EU hold a resident permit that is valid for one year and can be renewed. All inflows are registered by country of birth. Source 2000-2016: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: statline database (population > migration and migrants), external migration; sex, age (31 dec), marital status and country of birth. [LINK]

Norway  Foreigners holding a resident or work permit that intend to stay in the country for at least 6 months. Source 2001-2016: Statistics Norway: immigration, emigration and net migration, by citizenship. [LINK]

Spain  Foreigners registered in the national Municipal Registers, Padron Municipal de Habitantes, that intend to stay in the country for at least 1 year. Source 2000-2016: INE España: estadística de variaciones residenciales, altas por país de nacionalidad sexo y edad. [LINK]

Sweden  Foreigners with a residence permit, intending to reside in the country for a minimum period of one year. Source 2000-2016: Statistics Sweden. [LINK]

Switzerland  Foreigners holding a permanent or an annual resident permit. Holders of an L-Permit (short duration) are also included if their stay in the country is longer than 12 months. Inflow includes also status change by citizenship. In 2014 the Office Fédéral de la Statistique altered the collection and recording method of accounting inflows into Switzerland. Source 2000-2015: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: immigration de la population résidante permanente selon la nationalité, le sexe et l'âge, 1991-2016. [LINK]

United Kingdom  Foreign nationals aged 16 or over who have entered the country and who have been granted the registration number, National Insurance Number (NIN), by the Department for Work and Pensions, which is compulsory for those intending to work. Source 2000-2001: OECD, International Migration Database, dados baseados em estimativas do International Passenger Survey do Office for National Statistics (UK). Fonte 2002-2016: Department for Work and Pensions: stat-explore. [LINK] [LINK]

United States  Inflows correspond to permanent resident permit concessions (including status changes), by country of birth, in the fiscal year ending on September 30th of each (calendar) year indicated and starting on October 1st of the previous year. Source 2000-2014: US Department of Homeland Security: Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013 (table 3, persons obtaining lawful permanent resident status by region and country of birth: fiscal years 2004 to 2013); Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2015, Table 3 - Persons Obtaining Lawful Permanent Resident Status by region and country of birth: fiscal years 2013 to 2015. [LINK] [LINK]

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

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