A. Annual series
A.1 Foreign-born population, 2000-2020
Years Total Population Foreign-born
All foreign-born Born in Portugal
N Change in N % of total Change in % of total As a % of all foreign-born Change in
2020 97 338 583 0.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2019 96 462 106 1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2017 95 540 800 3.1 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2015 92 677 082 5.4 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2010 87 967 655 4.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2005 83 832 662 4.9 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2000 79 910 411 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 28/nov./2022
Born in Portugal
Note The data from 2000 to 2015 were revised by the responsible entity and amended by OEm on 28/11/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from United Nations Statistics Division (2017), United Nations Statistics Division (2019) and United Nations Statistics Division (other data) (the UN figures are estimates).
A.2 Foreign population, 2000-2020
Years Total Population All foreign-born
All foreign-born Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in N % of total Change in % of total As a % of all foreigners Change in
2020 97 338 583 0.9 76 767 0.1 0.9 -- -- -- --
2019 96 462 106 1.0 76 104 0.1 0.0 -- -- -- --
2017 95 540 800 3.1 76 104 0.1 4.6 -- -- -- --
2015 92 677 082 5.4 72 793 0.1 17.9 -- -- -- --
2010 87 967 655 4.9 61 756 0.1 19.3 -- -- -- --
2005 83 832 662 4.9 51 768 0.1 -8.8 -- -- -- --
2000 79 910 411 -- 56 754 0.1 -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 28/nov./2022
Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship
Note The data from 2000 to 2015 were revised by the responsible entity and amended by OEm on 28/11/2022.
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from United Nations Statistics Division (2017), United Nations Statistics Division (2019) and United Nations Statistics Division (other data) (the UN figures are estimates).
A.3 Consular registrations , 2008-2011
Years All registrations Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Registrations by migrants with Portuguese citizenship
N Change in % of total Change in % of total Change in
2011 35 250.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
2008 10 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[ .. ]Data not available, residual data, not applicable[ e ]EstimateLast update: 28/nov./2022
All consular resgistrations
Source Table by Observatório da Emigração [Emigration Observatory], data from Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP), based on information given by the Portuguese Embassy in Bangkok (data correspondent to May 15th, 2012).
B. Census


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074

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