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E.1 Estimates of the total number of Portuguese emigrants, 1960-2020
World Bank [A]Nações Unidas [B]
2020 .. 2,081,419 1,451,252 579,178 50,989
2019 .. 2,631,559 1,493,128 1,051,484 86,947
2017 2,289,642 2,266,735 1,502,151 592,642 171,942
2015 .. 1,971,655 1,382,204 541,673 47,778
2013 2,028,597  .. .. .. ..
2010 2,229,620 1,927,397 1,336,076 536,732 54,589
2005  .. 1,743,009 1,100,126 582,163 60,720
2000 1,337,442 1,993,793 1,297,016 643,308 53,469
1995 .. 1,920,865 1,184,057 684194 52,614
1990 1,780,764 1,871,869 1,089,715 728,841 53,313
1980 1,872,021 .. .. .. ..
1970 1,284,269 .. .. .. ..
1960 935,521 .. .. .. ..
Nota  1. Born in Portugal living abroad or, when information on naturalness is not available, people with Portuguese nationality living abroad. 2. Reliability problems with World Bank data on the number of Portuguese emigrants living in France and the UK in 2000, which affects the total value (likely corrected value of around 1,800,000). 3. 2020 United Nations estimates revise data from 1990 to 2015. We have chosen to keep the data for 2017 and 2019 that are in the previous estimates (The 2017 Revision e The 2019 Revision).
Source  Table by the Emigration Observatory, data from: [A] Banco Mundial, Bilateral Migration Matrix 2017, Bilateral Migration Matrix 2013, Bilateral Migration Matrix 2010, Bilateral Migration Database 1960-2000; [B] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, International Migration, International Migrant Stock (The 2017 Revision para os dados de 2017, The 2019 Revision para os dados de 2019 e The 2020 revision para os restantes dados), International Migrant Stock by Destination and Origin: Table 1 Total migrant stock at mid-year by origin and by major area, region, country or area of destination, 1990-2020.


E.2 Estimates of total outflows of Portuguese emigrants
Statistics Portugal [A]Emigration Observatory [B]
Total Permanent Temporary


30,954 40,763 70,000


25,079 40,904 65,000


25,886 42,323 45,000
2019 77,040 28,219 48,821 80,000
2018 81,754 31,600 50,154 75,000
2017 81,051 31,753 49,298 80,000
2016 97,151 38,273 58,878 95,000
2015 101,203 40,377 60,826 105,000
2014 134,624 49,572 85,052 110,000
2013 128,108 53,786 74,322 120,000
2012 121,418 51,958 69,460 105,000
2011 100,978 43,998 56,980 85,000
2010 .. 23,760 .. 65,000
2009 .. 16,899 .. 70,000
2008 .. 20,357 .. 85,000
2007 .. 7,890 .. 85,000
2006 .. 5,600 .. 75,000
2005 .. 6,360 .. 65,000
2004 .. 6,757 .. 70,000
2003 27,008 6,687 20,321 60,000
2002 27,358 8,813 18,545 50,000
2001 20,223 5,396 14,827 40,000
2000 21,333 4,692 16,641 ..
Source  Table by the Emigration Observatory, data from: [A] Statistics Portugal (INE), Survey on Outward Migration Movements (1992 to 2007) and Annual Estimates of Emigration (since 2008), based on data from the Permanent Employment Survey; [B] Emigration Observatory based on data on Portuguese arrivals in destination countries.


E.3 Estimate of the migratory balances of permanent movements, 2000-2022
YearPermanent outflows Permanent inflowsMigration Balance
Total [A] Nationals Total [B] Foreigners
 N%  N%
2022 30,954   29,523 95   117,843   60,389 51 86,889
2021 25,079   23,796 95   50,721   12,533 25 25,642
2020 25,886   23,863 92   67,160   53,337 79 41,274
2019 28,219   27,469 97   72,725   46,346 64 44,506
2018 31,600   29,340 93   43,170   22,755 53 11,570
2017 31,753   31,172 98   36,639   16,390 45 4,886
2016 38,273   37,188 97   29,925   15,063 50 -8,348
2015 40,377   39,847 99   29,896   14,947 50 -10,481
2014 49,572   47,665 96   19,516   9,298 48 -30,056
2013 53,786   50,835 95   17,554   5,395 31 -36,232
2012 51,958   49,453 95   14,606   5,272 36 -37,352
2011 43,998   41,443 94   19,667   7,795 40 -24,331
2010 23,760   21,796 92   27,575   8,353 30 3,815
2009 16,899   14,138 84   32,307   14,424 45 15,408
2008 20,357   18,372 90   29,718   20,132 68 9,361
2007 7,890   .. ..   29,661   .. .. 21,771
2006 5,600   .. ..   22,741   .. .. 17,141
2005 6,360   .. ..   21,741   .. .. 15,381
2004 6,757   .. ..   21,093   .. .. 14,336
2003 6,687   .. ..   31,425   .. .. 24,738
2002 8,813   .. ..   50,611   .. .. 41,798
2001 5,396   .. ..   61,609   .. .. 56,213
2000 10,667   .. ..   77,775   .. .. 67,108
1999 14,040   .. ..   68,297   .. .. 54,257
1998 11,098   .. ..   56,788   .. .. 45,690
Source  Table by the Emigration Observatory, data from Eurostat, Database on Population and Social Conditions, Demography and Migration (pop).


E.4 Remittances, 2000-2023 (millions of euros)
YearTo Portugal From Portugal Balance
NAnnual var. (%) NAnnual var. (%) NAnnual var.  (%)
2023 3,986 2   570 6   3,415 2
2022 3,892 6   531 2   3,361 6
2021 3,678 2   518 7   3,160 1
2020 3,613 -1   486 2   3,217 -2
2019 3,662 2   478 -10   3,184 4
2018 3,604 1   533 3   3,071 1
2017 3,555 6   518 -3   3,037 8
2016 3,343 1   533 2   2,810 1
2015 3,316 8   523 -2   2,793 11
2014 3,061 1   535 -4   2,526 3
2013 3,016 10   556 6   2,460 11
2012 2,749 13   526 -10   2,224 21
2011 2,430 0   586 3   1,845 -1
2010 2,426 6   567 1   1,859 8
2009 2,282 -8   559 -4   1,723 -10
2008 2,485 -4   580 2   1,905 -6
2007 2,588 7   570 -7   2,018 11
2006 2,420 6   610 9   1,811 5
2005 2,277 -7   560 15   1,717 -12
2004 2,442 0   486 4   1,957 -1
2003 2,434 -14   467 7   1,967 -17
2002 2,818 -25   436 6   2,382 -28
2001 3,737 8   410 117   3,327 2
2000 3,458 ..   189 ..   3,269 ..
Source  Chart by Emigration Observatory, data from World Bank.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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