Home / Events / Meetings on Migratory Experiences
Undocumented immigrants and the different notions of time
[Imigrantes indocumentados e as diferentes noções do tempo]
The conference "Waiting time: undocumented immigrants and the different notions of time" will take place on December 9, starting at 18h00. This meeting on migratory experiences, organized by CIES-iscte, CRIA and Observatório da emigração, counts with the interventions of Cecília Menduni Luís, CRIA-iscte, Kishor Subba Limbu, ICS-ULisboa, and Antónia Pedroso de Lima, CRIA-iscte.

Zoom streaming - https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86041995664
It is possible to attend in person, registration to observatorioemigracao@iscte-iul.pt
(20 seats are available, according to DGS guidelines)





































Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074


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