Entry is free, by registering through this form (to facilitate the logistics of the event).
For more information https://www.facebook.com/events/518762018935384/?active_tab=discussion or via email emigresso19@gmail.com
On March 4th, the fourth workshop of the cycle "Migrations and forced returns" will take place from 2:30pm. This fourth workshop will feature two communications from the researchers Magdalena Lopez, CEI-Iscte, and Yvette Santos, IHC-NOVA FCSH, and comments from Nuno Domingos, ICS-ULisboa, and Morgane Delaunay, Université Rennes 2 and Iscte.
Entry is free, by registering through this form (to facilitate the logistics of the event). For more information https://www.facebook.com/events/518762018935384/?active_tab=discussion or via email emigresso19@gmail.com |