Title Working on Mapping Methodologies on Collecting of Data and Engagement Strategies with Jordanians Abroad
Date 26th and 27th february, 2017
Location AlQasr Hotel in Amman, Jordânia
Organization International Centre for the Development of Migration Policies (ICMPD), with funding of European Union
Throughout the two-day workshop in Amman, the team met with the goal of mapping research methodologies in the area of migration. To this end, different tools and techniques for collecting and analysing data on Jordanian emigrants have been presented, both in quantitative and qualitative terms; Working methods of wider application were provided to Jordanian government stakeholders; And experiences and examples have been shared by invited experts at the European level (Claudia Pereira of the Emigration Observatory) and at the Middle East level (Tamirace Fakhoury of the American University of Lebanon) on emigrants from these countries who are engaged, economic and professionally, in the destination countries.
From the work developed on data collection strategies on Jordanian emigrants have resulted some important conclusions, drawing attention to the need to create liaison plans between Jordanian citizens living abroad and a broader research into their socio-economic profile. A document with methodological guidelines and a plan of action will be drawn up to support the Jordanian Government in collecting quantitative and qualitative data on Jordanians living abroad, which compiles the different information gathering tools adapted to the capacities and structures of the country, depending on the destination countries chosen by the citizens and the characteristics of the target group. In the proposed action plan of this interinstitutional working group, a website with data on migrants from Jordan is being drawn up so that the same data is shared with Jordanian entities, university professors and students, civil society as well as with Jordanians living in foreign countries, to take place within the remaining period of the JEMPAS program (one year and 9 months).
Through this partnership, the OEm offers its contribution and expertise in the area of migration to and from Jordan, a country where migration flows, especially emigration, is increasing and where collection and research methodologies in this area are only now beginning to develop.