Raimundo, Inês
Inês Raimundo is a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), where she also coordinates the Centre for Public Policy Analysis. She holds a PhD in Forced Migrations and Human Geography from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and has over 25 years of teaching experience and supervising postgraduate students in the fields of human geography, migrations, development, gender, and environmental studies. Her research focuses on forced migrations, poverty, urban food security, and health issues, including HIV. She coordinated projects such as the Southern African Migration Programme (SAMP), addressing topics like cross-border migration, food security, and sexual and reproductive health. She is also a member of several international networks and has experience in qualitative research methodologies applied to migration and health issues.
Queirós, João
João Queirós is a sociologist and PhD researcher at the Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto. His work has been focused on the study of social and class transformations. He has published articles and book chapters that address issues related to mobility and migration dynamics in the regional context of northwest Portugal, including the phenomenon of pendular emigration to Spain.
Rosales, Marta
Marta Rosales holds a PhD in social and cultural anthropology from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the New University of Lisbon (FCSH-UNL), a master's degree in communication, culture and information technologies and a degree in sociology from ISCTE-IUL. She is a professor in the anthropology department at FCSH-UNL and a researcher at the Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA-Iscte). Her main research interests focus on migration, material cultures and contemporary consumption, and media anthropology. She has developed fieldwork in Mozambique, Brazil and Canada.
Sampaio, Dora
Dora Sampaio holds a degree in geography from the University of Lisbon, where she specialised in international migration on her MA. She holds a PhD in human geography from the University of Sussex, and did post-doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute. Her work has contributed to uncovering the growing diversity behind the label “ageing migrant populations”, but also the plurality of their transnational practices, feelings of belonging, ways of looking at life and feeling at home in a migratory context. She is currently a professor of transnational mobilities at Utrecht University. She is the author of the book Migration, Diversity and Inequality in Later Life: Ageing at a Crossroads (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), an ethnography of migrants ageing on the Azores islands.
Santos, Irène dos
Irène dos Santos carried out her doctoral thesis in anthropology, at EHESS-Paris, on the “lusodescendentes” in France. Since then, she has developed research on migratory flows between Portugal and Angola in a post-colonial context (CRIA-UNL).
Santos, Rossana
With a bachelor, master and a PhD in turism, Rossana Santos is a researcher on the Território, Desenvolvimento e Atractividade Turística of the Unidade de Investigação em Governança, Competitividade e Políticas Públicas da Universidade de Aveiro and is a lecturer at ISLA Gaia.
Saraiva, Ana
Ana Saraiva is an anthropologist with a doctorate in anthropology and a master's degree in museology and heritage from the New University of Lisbon. In 1999 she was an anthropologist in the municipality of Góis; in 2000 she practiced in the municipality of Gavião (team of the Local Action Plan and the Detailed and Safeguard Plan of the Historic Centre of Belver). Since 2001 she has been an anthropologist in the municipality of Ourém, and is currently head of the Cultural Action Division. She programmed and directs the Municipal Museum of Ourem. She participates in research and programming projects focused on the areas of anthropology and museology, with publications linked to discourses of cultural representation. In 2017, her doctoral thesis Casas (pós-)rurais entre 1900 e 2015: Expressões arquitetónicas e trajetórias identitárias, was published in book.
Sardinha, João
João Sardinha has a PhD in migration studies from the University of Sussex, with previous training in geography. His research interests are the return of the second generation emigrant, associativism in a migratory context, transnationalism and social space and migration to rural areas. Since completing his PhD in 2008 he has held various positions as a scientific researcher in various research centres in Portugal, among them: CES-Universidade de Coimbra, CEMRI-Universidade Aberta, IGOT-Universidade de Lisboa, ICS-Universidade de Lisboa, CICSNOVA-Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Schiltz, Aline
Aline Schiltz is currently preparing a PhD in geography at the University of Luxembourg on Portuguese immigration in Grão-Ducado. Her interest in this subject began in her bachelor degree’s work, in this case carried out on the most Luxembourgish village of Portugal, Fiolhoso.
Sciortino, Giuseppe
Giuseppe Sciortino received his PhD from the University of Bologna. He is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Trento, Italy. His teaching and research activity unfolds by sociological theory, cultural sociology, international migration, development sociology and sociology of sexuality. He recently edited The Cultural Trauma of Decolonization (with Ron Eyerman) and Populism in the Civil Sphere (with Jeffrey C. Alexander and Peter Kivisto), published Rebus Immigrazione and Great Minds: Encounters with Social Theory (with Gianfranco Poggi), among many other participations in articles and books.
Scott, Dulce Maria
Dulce Maria Scott is a professor at Anderson University, Indiana, and a researcher at the Institute for Portuguese and Lusophone World Studies at Rhode Island College. She is the founder of the scientific journal Interdisciplinary Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies. Her research interests include immigration, ethnicity, and race in America, and his most recent studies have focused on Luso-descendants.