Title International Migration Outlook 2024
Authors OCDE
Publisher OECD Publishing
Date 2024
More information on the book here.
This publication constitutes the 48th report of the OECD’s Continuous Reporting System on Migration. The report is divided into five chapters plus a statistical annex. Chapter 1 provides a broad overview of recent trends in international migration flows. It also analyses recent changes in the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. Chapter 2 monitors recent changes in migration policies, while Chapter 3 looks at the recent changes in policies that support the integration of immigrants and their children. Chapter 4 looks at “Migrant entrepreneurship in OECD countries”. It provides an overview of migrant entrepreneurship in OECD countries since the mid-2000s. It documents the increasing weight of migrants among entrepreneurs and their impact on innovation and job creation. The chapter also studies entrepreneurship as a way for migrants to bypass difficulties in finding wage employment and how the emergence of digital platforms and new forms of work have changed migrant entrepreneurship. Finally, the chapter reviews policies in place across OECD countries to support migrant entrepreneurs. Chapter 5 presents succinct country-specific notes and statistics on developments in international migration movements and policies in OECD and selected non-OECD countries in recent years. Lastly, the statistical annex includes a broad selection of recent and historical statistics on immigrant flows, asylum requests, foreign and foreign-born populations, and naturalisations. This year’s edition of the OECD International Migration Outlook is the collective work of the staff of the International Migration Division in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. Chapter 4 was drafted by Ana Damas De Matos (OECD), Yves Breem (OECD) and Anastasia Demidova (OECD). Jean-Christophe Dumont edited the report. Statistical work was carried out by Philippe Hervé and Veronika Strain-Fajth and co-ordinated by Cécile Thoreau. Editorial assistance was provided by Dominika Andrzejczak and Jennifer O’Brien as well as Lucy Hulett.