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Economic Potential of the Diaspora
Inês Vidigal* e Rui Pena Pires*
Portugal has a vast diaspora that can be an important factor in the country's development. This book brings together four texts on a subject that is generally little studied: the impact of emigration on a country of origin with very high human development, such as Portugal.

The texts, initially presented at a colloquium on the economic potential of the diaspora, cover a wide range of topics: a critical review of the economic literature on the impact of the diaspora on the countries from which emigration originates; the main indicators on the potential economic contribution of emigration in Portugal; the results of a study on the return intentions of Portuguese emigrants; and two types of economic links between emigrants and Portugal, remittances and work ties, are discussed. At the end, the National Diaspora Investment Support Programme is also briefly presented.


Date   setember 2024
Páges 90
ISBN  978-972-8048-92-1 (online)
DOI  10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024
URI  http://hdl.handle.net/10071/32620
Index  Índice de figuras e quadros. Prefácio. Introdução. O impacto económico potencial das diásporas. Indicadores sobre o contributo económico potencial da emigração. Emigração, retorno e desenvolvimento. Transnacionalismo socioeconómico de portugueses na Alemanha

Cite as  Vidigal, Inês, e Rui Pena Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatório da Emigração, CIES-Iscte. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024


* Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal

1. O impacto económico potencial das diásporas

[The potential economic impact of diasporas]


Joël Machado critically reviews the economic literature on the impacts of the diaspora on emigration countries of origin. The main means by which emigrants can have an impact on the country of origin are discussed: remittances, foreign direct investment, trade and the transfer of knowledge. The author then extends his discussion by addressing the indirect economic effects of the diaspora on the country of origin, in particular through social remittances and influence on governance. 

Authors   Joël Machado
Pages  3-16
DOI  10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_1
Cite as Machado, Jöel (2024), “O impacto económico potencial das diásporas”, em I. Vidigal e R. P. Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 3-16. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_1

2. Indicadores sobre o contributo económico potencial da emigração

[Indicators on the potential economic contribution of emigration]


This text presents some of the main indicators available on the potential economic contribution of emigration in Portugal. The data for four indicators over the last few decades are systematised: remittances, loans granted to emigrants by Portuguese banks, emigrant deposits in Portuguese banks and the emigrant deposit rate by region and municipality. 

Authors   Inês Vidigal
DOI  10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_2
Cite as Vidigal, Inês (2024), “Indicadores sobre o contributo económico potencial da emigração”, em I. Vidigal e R. P. Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte,, pp: 17-30. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_2


3. Emigração, retorno e desenvolvimento

[Emigration, return and development]


Some of the first results of a study on the return of Portuguese emigrants are presented, which included a questionnaire survey of 2,349 Portuguese living abroad. The focus of both the questionnaire and the chapter is the study of return intentions. The authors present the main results of the study on topics such as expectations of return, the times and motivations for return and the potential effects of migration and the return of emigrants on the country's economic development.

Authors   José Carlos Marques, Pedro Góis e Filipa Pinho
DOI  10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_3
Cite as  Marques, José Carlos, Pedro Góis e Filipa Pinho  (2024), “Emigração, retorno e desenvolvimento", em I. Vidigal e R. P. Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 31-48. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_3

4. Transnacionalismo socioeconómico de portugueses na Alemanha

[Socio-economic transnationalism of Portuguese in Germany]


Based on various studies, the author analyses, in particular, two types of economic ties between Portuguese emigrants and their country of origin: remittances and work ties. The annual transfer of remittances to Portugal, practised by half of the members of the sample studied, is more marked among less qualified emigrants. On the other hand, work links between Germany and Portugal, which are very much in the minority, are mainly practised by highly qualified professionals and transnational entrepreneurs. 

Authors   Pedro Candeias
DOI  10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_4
Cite as 
 Candeias, Pedro (2024), “Transnacionalismo socioeconómico de portugueses na Alemanha”, em I. Vidigal e R. P. Pires (orgs.) (2024), Potencial Económico da Diáspora, Lisboa, Observatorio da Emigração, CIES-Iscte, pp: 49-66. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOMOUT012024_4


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
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