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The complementarity between emigration and immigration
Pedro Góis
Pedro Góis is a sociologist. He currently teaches at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies. He has published several books and articles in Portugal and abroad on international migration, the sociology of ethnicity and the sociology of identity. In the field of migration in Portugal and/or Europe, he has published on Portuguese, Cape Verdean, Ukrainian and Brazilian emigration. He is a member of the Portuguese Sociological Association, where until recently he co-coordinated the Thematic Section on the Sociology of Migration, Ethnicity and Racism. He is a member of several international networks, namely the IMISCOE network, the European Consortium for Policy Research (ECPR), the Migration Network Hub peer review community of the Knowledge and Coordination Unit of the Global Migration Data Analysis Center (GMDAC).


Interview conducted via zoom, on 15 December 2023, by Inês Vidigal*,
revised for publication in January 2024.
Also available online here.


Series  OEm Conversations With 
Date  June 2024
Pages  16
ISSN  2183-718X (online)
DOI  10.15847/CIESOEMCW342024
Keywords  Portuguese emigration, immigration in Portugal, sociology of migration.
Cite as  Vidigal, Inês (2024), “A complementaridade entre emigração e imigração: entrevista com Pedro Góis”, OEm Conversations With, 34, Observatório da Emigração, CIES, Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. DOI: 10.15847/CIESOEMCW342024


* Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal


Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
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