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Portuguese emigrants’ political representation
Capítulo de Marco Lisi, Ana Maria Belchior, Manuel Abrantes e Joana Azevedo, enquadrado no livro New and old routes of Portuguese emigration. Este capítulo aborda o tema da participação e representação política dos emigrantes e os desafios do voto externo.

Título  Portuguese emigrants’ political representation. The challenges of the external vote
Autores  Marco Lisi, Ana Maria Belchior, Manuel Abrantes e Joana Azevedo
Editora  Springer, Cham
Data  2019
Palavras-chave  External voting, emigrants, representation, electoral systems, voting rights, Portugal.


Capítulo completo disponível aqui.
Livro completo disponível aqui.


Over the last few decades, emigrants all over the world have gained expanded voting rights. Despite the normative debates about this issue, there are few empirical studies on why states decide to implement external voting and how electoral systems perform. This chapter seeks to fill this gap by looking at the Portuguese case. Our study suggests that a combination of political and socio-economic factors explains the implementation of external voting. On the other hand, the interests of political parties and the low level of civil society engagement are key factors in the failure of both electoral reforms and attempts to overcome the shortcomings of external voting.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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