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Migrants, inequalities and social research in the 1920s
Artigo da investigadora Cristiana Bastos, publicado na revista History and Anthropology, onde analisa a produção e receção de uma monografia social de 1923 sobre comunidades migrantes em Nova Inglaterra.

Título  Migrants, inequalities and social research in the 1920s. The story of two Portuguese communities in New England
Autora  Cristiana Bastos
Revista  History and Anthropology
Data  2018
Palavras-chave  History of social sciencesracemigrationlabourhealthPortuguese.


Artigo disponível aqui.


In this article, I analyse the production and reception of a 1923 social monograph on migrant communities in New England and in doing so: (1) outline an archaeology of the social sciences in the U.S., by analysing aspects of their development, dynamics, institutional politics and research agendas; (2) discuss the tensions between social, racial and cultural interpretations of inequalities in the political economy of the 1920s; (3) analyse the pervasiveness of racialist thinking in science, society and politics, its impact in the hierarchization of groups for purposes of border control, and how the targeted groups responded to it.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
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