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New and old routes of Portuguese migration
Livro organizado pelas investigadoras do Observatório da Emigração, Cláudia Pereira e Joana Azevedo. Este livro apresenta uma panorâmica comparativa da emigração portuguesa na Europa e fora da UE em tempos de recessão, e conta com a participação de diversos autores e investigadores das áreas das migrações e ciência política.

Título  New and old routes of Portuguese migration. Uncertain futures at the periphery of Europe
Autores  Pereira, Cláudia, Azevedo, Joana (eds.)
Editora  Springer, Cham
Data  2019
Palavras-chave  Open access, migration and integration, labour market, labour migration, population movement in times of recession, migration into Portuguese speaking countries, youth migration, patterns of exit and return. identities and transnational networks, Portuguese emigration. crisis, European migration, skilled migration, migrant workers.


Livro completo disponível aqui.


This open access book offers a comparative overview on Portuguese emigration in Europe and outside the EU in times of recession. It looks at Portuguese emigrants who, after the crisis of 2008, moved both intra-EU, such as UK, France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain, but also into countries with historical links, such as the USA and Canada, and to Portuguese speaking countries such as Brazil, Angola and Mozambique, as well as the processes of return. In addition to the dynamics of movement, the book provides an in-depth analysis of the heterogeneity of this emigration. It deepens the multifaceted identities concerning social and professional pathways among highly skilled and less skilled emigrants. The labour market continues to be the main regulatory force of Portuguese emigration, which helps to explain the outflow and the processes of settlement and return. Nonetheless, this book demonstrates that non-economic factors have likewise been of great importance in the decision to emigrate. As such this book will be a valuable read to policy makers, students and scholars in migration.
1 The fourth wave of Portuguese emigration. Austerity policies, European peripheries and postcolonial continuities
Cláudia Pereira and Joana Azevedo
Part I New patterns of Portuguese emigration. A broad perspective
2 Portuguese emigration today
Rui Pena Pires
3 New emigration and Portuguese society. Transnationalism and return
João Peixoto, Pedro Candeias, Bárbara Ferreira, Isabel Tiago de Oliveira, Joana Azevedo, José Carlos Marques, Pedro Góis, Jorge Malheiros, Paulo Miguel Madeira, Aline Schiltz, Alexandra Ferro, and Eugénio Santana
4 Portuguese emigrants’ political representation: the challenges of the external vote
Marco Lisi, Ana Maria Belchior, Manuel Abrantes, and Joana Azevedo
Part II The labour market and Portuguese emigration. Highly skilled and less skilled migrants
5 A new skilled emigration dynamic. Portuguese nurses and recruitment in the southern European periphery
Cláudia Pereira
6 Migrating to complete transitions. A study of high-skilled youth migration to France
João Teixeira Lopes
7 ‘Pulled’ or ‘pushed’? The emigration of Portuguese scientists
Ana Delicado
8 Working class condition and migrant experience. The case of Portuguese construction workers 
João Queirós
9 Entrepreneurship among Portuguese nationals in Luxembourg 
José Carlos Marques
Part III Portuguese emigrants: postcolonial continuities
10 Contemporary Portuguese migration experiences in Brazil. Old routes, new trends 
Marta Vilar Rosales and Vânia Pereira Machado
11 Portuguese emigration to Angola (2000–2015). Strengthening a specific postcolonial relationship in a new global framework?
Pedro Candeias, Jorge Malheiros, José Carlos Marques, and Ermelinda Liberato

Part IV Portuguese emigrants. Identities 
12 “I was enthused when I ‘returned’ to Portugal, but I’m leaving disillusioned”. Portuguese migrant descendant returnees from Canada and narratives of return, re-return and twice migration 
João Sardinha
13 An immigrant in America yes, but not an emigrant in my own country! The unbearable weight of a persistent label 
Graça Índias Cordeiro
Part V Final reflections 
14 New migration dynamics on the south-western periphery of Europe. Theoretical reflections on the Portuguese case 
Russell King

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

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