Início / Recursos / Recortes de imprensa / 2013
Conferência Internacional – Neither Here Nor There: yet Both, 11-13 de Julho
Conferência internacional sobre a experiência luso-americana tem lugar em Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa e Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

The past decades have witnessed a significant emergence of new approaches to the heritage of Portuguese-speaking people and their descendants in North America, which includes the expression of varied Lusophone communities. The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) and the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) will host a conference in Lisbon, July 11-13, where we hope to stimulate the debate on Luso-American diasporic exchanges, with the worldwide participation of those who study, live, endure or enjoy such experiences - scholars, writers, readers, community workers and supporters. In collaboration with this conference, two related events will take place: the Dzanc Books/CNC DISQUIET International Literary Program, June 30-July 12, in Lisbon, and the IJPDS's International Conference Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives, July 25- 27, Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Lisbon conference Neither Here Nor There, Yet Both shall host plenary lectures, dedicated panels and roundtables, parallel paper sessions, creative writing, translation workshops, and public readings. To enrich the Lisbon conference experience, it is also our goal to generate synergies with relevant community events and entities. We invite all interested parties to submit a 300 word abstract for panels or individual papers.
Topics might include but are not limited to:
·         Representations of the Luso-American Experience o   Luso-American immigrant and ethnic literature and the arts o   Luso-Americans in literatures written in the Portuguese and English languages. o   Autobiography, coming of age and fictionalized identities o   Expatriate literature and artworks and/or influence of estrangeirados o   Luso-American representations in the media: art, festivals, music, film, folklore, television, newspapers, etc o   Language, translation and cultural identities o   Translation in / of Luso-American Literature o   Heritage language and the fictionalization of the mother tongue o   Majorities and minorities in Luso-descent culture o   Migrant ways and stories: oral, written and untold o   The future of Luso-American Studies
·         History, Sociolinguistics, Migration and Identity o   History of the Luso-American communities o   Emigrants, immigrants, waves and generations o   Diaspora, ethnicity, identity, class, and gender o   The Luso-American experience in a comparative context o   Expatriate identities in Portugal o   Bilingualism, multilingualism, contacts of Portuguese with other languages o   Heritage, native, second language(s) in the educational system and in speech communities o   Children of the diaspora o   Geopolitical distribution of Luso-Americans o   Economics and business activities o   Participation, or non-participation, of migrants in the political life of the host countries and the country of origin after migration o   Community and civic movements, participation and leadership o   Dislocations and the family o   Religion o   Perception of heritage traditions o   Assimilation, ethnic pride, multicultural awareness
Working languages: English and Portuguese

Programa, aqui.

Observatório da Emigração Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Av. das Forças Armadas,
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

T. (+351) 210 464 322

F. (+351) 217 940 074

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