Todas as propostas, que podem ser em português, inglês, espanhol e francês, devem ser submetidas em sistema online no link da conferência, aqui.
The Indiana conference Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives proposes to create a forum that will permit scholars to engage in a cross-national and cross-disciplinary dialogue that will generate valuable comparative frameworks and data. The deadline for receiving abstracts (500 words) for a 20-min. paper, panel proposals, and a concise bio is February 28, 2013. Notification of acceptance will be sent out on March 25, 2013. All paper and panel proposals must be submitted via the online systemat the conference link Papers may be presented in any of the following languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, and French. A selection of the papers presented will be published in a refereed volume.